Siri equivalent apps for the iPhone 4

By Holly, 17 March, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Hi all, I have an iPhone 4 and am looking for an app like siri. I have Vlingo, but the thing I don't like about it which I have reported to the developers, is that when sending a text or email, you aren't told who your sending it to. I would like an app that actually works well with dictation and that responds to you like Siri. I am thinking about getting Vokul, but thought I'd see what others thought. Thanks, Holly



By Shersey on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

I don't know how much you know about it, but it has two modes, always listening and something else--I forgot what it's called by Vokul, but it means that you have to press a button in the app when you want it to listen to you. If you have this mode on, don't make the mistake I did. I had that mode on, and I was trying to text my fiance, and I had to double-tap on the nmber I told Vokul to text. I was really confused, but the devs have a Twitter you can follow, and I sent them a screenshot, and they were really helpful and responsive. By the way, the button to turn on the mode where you have to tap a button before it will hear you is labeled "Ear button." You should listen to the podcast on Vokul that's on AppleVis. It's really good, and it's what convinced me to get Vokul. I really like that I can text absolutely hands-free--apart from opening the app, of course. This will obviously be a drain on your battery, but I plan to buy an extender battery soon, for both it and Navagon. Thank God that's easily usable again with the latest iOS update! Hope I've helped somewhat, Shersey

By Randy on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

I have found another app that is right now 99 cents. Its called Voice To Apps. I could tell you all about it how ever here is a link of a demo I posted to twitter about it. Guys, I hope its ok to post links if not just let the big R know. Voice to Apps demonstration. Also here is an audio boo I posted about copying and paste ing with in this app. Playing around with voice to apps copy and pasting with this app. Hope this helps you guys.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Shersey

Hello, I know what you mean by vLingo. I've had the same problem as you described. I stopped using it because I kept sending my messages to the wrong people! Very frustrating. They can do so much with vLingo but they seem to have puttered out and have not enhanced it like they should. It has sadly fallen behind and to the waste side. I've done a lot of researching in to finding the best Siri like apps that we can use for our older devices. The bottom line is that every Siri like apps I've reviewed and tried all have pros and cons. Vokul is hands down my favorite for sending text messages. The developer has suggested that Twitter, Facebook, and other things will soon come to it. Unfortunately, this is only available for the United Sates. I do not understand this rationality behind this. I can only guess as many problems that Siri is having in recognizing a variety of different English accent is probably why they are holding this back. I have tried Voice Actions, EVI, Voice Ask, and other Siri like apps that goes beyond what Vokul can provide in making it a truly Siri like experience. My findings are the following: Vokul is hands down the best when it comes down to texting others in the most friendly and easit way to do it without texting it yourself. Cross my fingers that it will expand just beyond the texting and simply playing a variety of music on your device. Now in conjunction with Vokul. I highly recommend Speaktoi Assistant. This goes very well with Vokul. This is a fantastic app. You press the microphone button and simply ask your questions or commands. It does a great job and it is my #1 choice if you are looking for the closet experience to Siri that are found on the 4s. I will be doing a podcast on Speaktoi Assistant very soon. So watch for it. As mentioned above I did a podcast on Vokul so you can hear exactly what Vokul brings to the table. So as for a one two punch. Vokul and Speaktoi Assistant are a deadly Siri competitor for those with our older devices. Hope this helps you out.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Randy

Hello Big R! Thanks spo much for that advice on Voice to Apps. I haven't heard of this app and decided to give this a try. After downloading it and started to play with it. This is very nice! Not as elegant as Vokul but there are two things about this app I do like. First, it supports beyond the United States unlike Vokul. So for those that have been waiting for something like Vokul this is a must have! Reminds me a lot of Dragon Dictation but we all know how that went completely inaccessible in recent months. Second, this works so very fast. Bring it up. Start recording. Select what you want to do with it and then you are done. Love that! So if you can't get Vokul and don't want to wait for Vokul to expand its capabilities. I will now say I highly recommend this right behind it. Thanks again for that tip Randy!

By Randy on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

In reply to by Shersey

Glad to do it Tom. Btw guys. If you try this app, the copy feature is very cool. Just record the text you want, copy to the clipboard and paste it in any text editor or something like audio boo to title your boo. Its great guys, trust me on this.

By Holly on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Thanks for the help guys! I think I will probably end up getting Vokul. Randy, I clicked on your link, but wasn't able to listen to your demonstration. Any ideas why? I too have used Dragon, and it really doesn't seem to work that well.

By Randy on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

In reply to by Shersey

Yes I do. q audio is trick to download from. Here is my demo. You know, I would det both apps if you can. I love them both. They are great. Now here is my link. Oh, and anyone can share it. I will leave it up for a day or so.

By Randy on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:40

In reply to by Randy

Ok guys, This is the last from me for a while. I don't want to bug you guys with my stuff but I thought you would like this information. This is the audioboo I posted while I was at work playing with voice to apps's copy and paste feature. One can make a recording of the text and paste it in to another application. Feel free to share. Playing around with voice to apps copy and pasting with this app.