I've been charged for a Look Tel Money reader upgrade

By steven carey, 23 March, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Dear All, Three app upgrades appeard last night on my app store, one of which was the Look Tel Money Reader. This morning I have found an Apple Store receipt for £6.99, which suggests that I have purchased the Look Tel Money Reader again. Why has this happened? I have now paid £12.98 for an app, which only appears on my I Phone 4s once but has the upgrade to the new version. I'm a little unhappy about this because I was asked to 'upgrade all' of the three app's (can't remember the third but the second was the Kindle App) with no indication that the Look Tell Money Reader would be charged for the upgrade. What can I do about this? The App is good but not worth £12.98! Many thanks, Steve Carey.



By AppleVis on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:34

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
In your email receipt there will be a link to report a problem. If you click on this, it should open the transaction in iTunes. You will find a button to report a problem next to LookTel Money Reader. Click on this and use the text box to explain that you have been charged twice. It would probably help if you could quote the invoice number from your original purchase, which you should be able to locate through iTunes>iTunes Store>Account>Purchase History.

By steven carey on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:34

Thank you for this advice. I did find that link but stupidly tried to link to it at work, where I haven't got the Apple I Tunes web loaded and got nothing. Just confirms what I need to do but thank you again. Does this type of problem happen frequently? Many thanks, Steve.

By Eyal on Saturday, March 31, 2012 - 23:34

Hi Steve. LookTel hasn't released a Money Reader update in a while, and you most definitely should not have been charged again. This is likely an issue with your Apple account, and the suggestion to go through apple on this is a good one. However, if this doesn't work for you, email LookTel at [email protected] and we'll make sure that it gets refunded. Thanks!