Announcing the launch of Spoken 21; an accessible blackjack game

By nmpettus, 21 June, 2014

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

I have just uploaded the Spoken 21 app for approval. As with Spoken Slots it does not rely upon VoiceOver, but provides verbal instructions, card names, card values, bet, deal, hit and stand, along with game sounds. Double down, surrender, and insurance can be selected. The game stats can be requested with a two-finger double tap. Speech may be silenced with a single two-finger tap. Double down is only available after the first two cards with a double one-finger tap. Betting is done with the upper right button. A $1, $5, $25, and $100 bet can be placed. You start with a zero balance and can track your progress using the stats option for number of hands, wins, loses, draws, and blackjacks along with the percentage. A visual of the cards is provided for those who like although they are quite small on the iPhone but much larger on the iPad. The lower left button hits and a flick down will also hit. The lower right button stands and a swipe right or left also stands.

The game uses a single deck and shuffles after each hand. Your highscore is kept between games and can be reset to zero using a triple two-finger tap with confirmation required. The background casino sound can be turned on or off with a two-finger double tap.

I know I may have forgotten some of the details but I so appreciate this community. It was your input that supplied most of the changes to Spoken Slots. Again I would appreciate your feedback for this game. I believe it follows most of the conventional Las Vegas rules. This app does not include Voice Recognition. Is that important? The game is a paid app for .99 cents. Thanks for your support. It is more valuable than any other I receive.

I will be attending the NFB conference in Orlando, FL starting July 1. If any of you are also attending please let me know. I have updated the website with this new app but the button for the app store does not work yet. The app should be available next week sometime. I will report when I know it is there.

Thanks again for your support. BTW this app should work with IOS 7.0 or newer.



By brandon armstrong on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

hi, I would like to make a suggestion for talking slots, I would like to see more real type casino type slot machine type games like cash spin and hot roller. I've played some of these games when I've gone to casinos and find them quite fun.

By Siobhan on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

Hi Norm. I will also be attending the convention starting Tuesday, leaving Sautrday. If you'd like to meet up, let me know. Looking forward to spoken 21

By nmpettus on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

Our new app, Spoken21, is now available in the App Store for $.99. I am extremely interested in feedback from anyone who has comments, suggestions, or questions. Let me know how important splitting pairs is to you, any ideas for improving gameplay or scoring, and any thoughts on adding voice recognition or physical tilt, bump, or other gestures to improve play. Thanks for your support. I look forward to hearing from you.

We, my wife and I, will be in Orlando this coming week for the NFB conference. Let us know if you would like to get together. I have already started on the next app.

By Missy Hoppe on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

Hi! I just played this game for the first time. I really love having accessible blackjack on my IPhone. Reguarding your question about voice commands, I, personally don't think they're important, but you might get other opinions. In my initial playing of the game, the screen seemed slow to respond when I touched the four corners of the screen, but I'm willing to accept that I could have been doing something wrong. I remember you did something with Spoken Slots to make it work with VO in some way. Would whatever you did for that game be possible with this one as well? I have no trouble at all toggling voice-over on and off, but with the sluggish response I mentioned previously, it made me uncertain what was going on. I like that the casino sounds can be turned off; I'll definitely be doing that next time I play.

Thank you very much for making these awesome accessible games. They are extremely appreciated, and well worth the price paid for them. I hope my feedback is helpful in some way, and that you're having a great day!

By jeremy jeffers on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

First off let me say thank you so much for making blackjack accessible and fun for everyone I would like to see some sort of interactive gameplay. I would like to play against other people and challenge myself that way. Playing with the computer gets boring after a while.

By nmpettus on Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 23:27

In reply to by Missy Hoppe

Thanks so much Missy for your kind comments. The screen buttons are labeled so they should work with VoiceOver. However, I made a two finger single tap available to allow you to stop the speech anytime you want. The four buttons actually cover one quarter of the screen. Try stopping the speech (two-finger single tap) and then pressing one of the buttons. I actually speeded up the rate of speech in the Spoken Slots. After you hear the instructions once you can stop them and press the bet and deal buttons immediately. Any additional details and clarification are greatly appreciated. All are important to me to make the game most enjoyable. Thanks for buying and playing.


I have and did consider adding a leaderboard through the GameCenter. But I think you are talking about a live multiplayer blackjack. So would the GameCenter leaderboard idea work toward adding the extra interest in playing against friends? What would be the best way to do that? Can I just post your highest positive cash amount to the board? Thanks for buying and commenting. I appreciate your time and ideas.
