By AJ Roxas, 20 November, 2013
Accessibility Advocacy
Campaign for all apple Vis readers and IIOS, MAC users.
Are a fan of games? Specially sports and action? If yes this post is for you! If you are blind or lo vision and you want to experience the thrill and excitement of the popular games out there, this is our time let’s make a movement to call out all the developers to use all the built-in API that apple put in the IOS SDK. And let’s ask them to include us as there beta testers for their upcoming games. Making their games, accessible to us visual impaired IOS users can help us to enhance and become more sociable when it comes to mobile games. I hope as an IOS user you will support this post and if you know a developer please tell them that we need their help to make all the apps accessible and to give equality to all users.
This has already been tried
Unfortunately, Sarah is right
Why not try instead of saying it won't happen?
to the last poster who post the comment you are right
You never will if you don't try...
agreed, but it'll be kind of hard
We need to think with our heads, not our disability.
the reality
Well done
Everything shouldn't be accessible?
They may be time wasters to you, but not to everyone
Why should any minority have anything then?
I apoligize, just upset because usually...
How it really works for developers
Hi. I have a few thoughts on
campaigning for accessibility of IOS games
Why many iOS games are not accessible..
..and where to focus advocacy efforts. And it's not game developers.
Audioboo from Michael Feir, please listen and share:
Greetings, everybody!
Hello, folks!
Personally, I am fine with the accessible games i currently have, those being Lords and Knights, Celtic Tribes, Crazy Tribes and Solara. I am constantly looking at new and interesting titles in AppStore, however, and testing the free ones out to see if they are accessible. One game I would love to be accessible is Clash of Clans, not due to its popularity but due to what it has.
You might find it interesting, also, that I have thought of becoming an Apple Developer and learning how to code games. I have a flight simulator for both blind and sighted in mind. It's currently just a thought, though.
I consider games with social aspects more fun than those played off-line in terms of social connections, so to speak.
On your side, lets work towards it
Totally believe we can work towards more accessibility for everything if we work hard enough for it. Stop listening to the nay-sayers (you individuals know what I think of you. The negative words I can use wouldn't be enough to describe you).
For those who believe in trying and working for it, I solute you. We need to band together.
I Want to Play The Real Game, Not an Accessible Cros of This and
With all due respect to the developers of Color Crush, I want to play Candy Crush, or Bejewelled--not a cross between this game and that. You see, my kids and friends aren't playing the "blind" version. They're playing the actual game.
As a parent or friend, I want to be able to join in.
I admit I used to campaign to the developers of Rhapsody, the music service. But it took someone being struck blind to make Rhapsody accessible. It would be a pity if we have to wait for that to happen to someone in the game developing industry.
Still, it was thought that blind people didn't watch TV, but now we have described movies, and many of us like non-described movies, because that's what we grew up listening to.
Or should we appeal to those who do make blind-accessible games? Could they make popular games accessible, rather than just creating crosses of this and that for the blind community?
Respectfully ...
That's just your opinion, ma'am.
Games teach problem solving and they entertain. If the rest of the world is being entertained, why not us?
Games aren't time-wasters. They help sharpen the senses, teach skills such as patience. (If you can keep trying to solve Level 3 of this or that, and don't get frustrated, or learn not to that's an important and transferrable skill.)
I use games to do things I can't do any more because of health issues not related to blindness. I can give my brain the feeling that I went out for a walk or a horse race, or play online and meet new people, now that my body isn't so healthy any more. Games enrich my life and keep my mind sharp. Again, not a time waster.
I subscribe to your opinion wholeheartedly.
Why does anything change for any group of people?
Because they band together, lobby, educate, etc.
Damn, I like You, Man
Your posts are refreshing. There are too many blind people willing to be thankful for crumbs.
Do you notice that VoiceOver now says "Al", instead of "Alabama" when pronouncing a name? That's because I, and presumably manhy others, told the devs of VoiceOver that we didn't like our Uncle Al being called Uncle Alabama. I don't need VoiceOver to interpret things for me. I understand the difference between Uncle Al and Mobile, Al. Guess what? Now, VoiceOver says "Al".
let's fight!
hi Vash Rain.
you have absolutely right friend.
great words yours.
I completely agree with you.
if we are not fight for our rights, who will do it for us?
I consider weak negative people of this topic.
weak people are always benefited by stronger ...
life does not give us things easily.
if today we have a general accessibility in many ways, this is because there has always been strong people who fight for the weak ...
since we are blind are the reasons it is, our lives were always fighting that I consider much more difficult than signing a petition and do whatever it takes to alert consciences and change the addict cycle of things ...
let's all do our part.
thanks to all the strong people.