Pilot Test a New Way to Use Your iDevice to Get Your Fashion Questions Answered

By Samtastic, 9 April, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
A small pilot study is being conducted to determine if iDevices can assist blind and visually impaired users to become self-sufficient in the area of fashion. The study utilizes the iPhone application VizWiz where you can receive answers to visual questions by taking a photo, recording a question, and sending it to a bank of volunteers or Web workers. This project will utilize the same application but participants will use it just for clothing and fashion related questions. So you'll be able to ask any questions you may have about your clothes - whether it's clothes you own or those you're considering while shopping - and the questions will only be sent to volunteers who have been designated as ones comfortable with answering fashion-related questions. The study will be from Sunday, April 15th to Saturday, April 28th. It will involve participants using VizWiz as often as they like within the two week period, filling out 2 short online surveys at the end of each week, and calling a number each day to give us feedback via voicemail. The last thing may sound like a lot but really it's just a short (or not so short) message about how it went if you used the service or why you may not have needed it that day. We want to get a rich set of data and daily interactions while things are fresh in your mind are very useful. More than likely it'll take less than 1 minute to call in. So if you and/or someone you know is 18 years or older, has an iOS device with a camera, is legally blind, and wants to take part in a fun study then please contact [email protected] via email. Look forward to hearing from you!



By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 23:27

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
What a wonderful experience this will bring to the vision impaired community! Thank you ever so much for bringing this up on AppleVis of your pilot study trial. I certainly hope people will sign up with this opportunity for you. Keep us posted on the success of your study!