Hey all,
I noticed when receiving FaceTime calls, the call dialogue box doesn't pop up automatically. One has to command tab over to the FaceTime app then either accept or deny the call. is there any way to make this dialogue box automatically pop up so that one doesn't need to command tab over?
In some cases, by the time I cmd tab over, the person has already hung up.
By Usman, 18 July, 2014
macOS and Mac Apps
RE: FaceTime on OSX Mavericks
Do you have the notification set to alerts instead of banners? You raise an interesting question as I never paid attention as I switch subconsciously if necessary. If the notification is set to alerts, that may be a bug in the operating system. If not, change the notification style and try again.
switching FaceTime notifications from banners to alerts
To switch from banners to alerts first open the extras menu with vo mm.
Next vo right arrow to the notification center extra and then press vo space bar on it.
Next vo right arrow to the notification center preferences and then press vo space bar on it.
Next because notification center is in system preferences you might have to command tab to it.
Next use the up and down arrow keys to find the app you want to change preferences for that is FaceTime in this case.
Next vo right arrow to the alerts radio button and then vo space bar to select it.
Yes if you change the notifications from banners to alerts then instead of them going away you will have to dismiss them.
Thank you, I've set it to alerts. Hopefully, this will work a lot better for me.