best weather apps for the iphone

By Holly, 14 April, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Hi all, I am looking for a good weather app to alert me of civere weather. It would also be nice if it had a weather radio included. Does anyone know of anything? I have heard of weather alert but from what I've heard you can't custumize your weather alerts and it's not very voiceover friendly. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! Thanks, Holly



By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 23:32

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Holly, I have the following two apps myself: Weather Alert USA iMapWeather Radio They both work great for me. I even have a hard time in which to suggest! I don't seem to have any accessibility issues with either app for me. The Weather Alert USA app is a bit easier for me to use but I really like the iMapWeather Radio because it has the ability to follow me when I'm travelling. So I don't have to keep adding locations of where I am. It will alert me no matter where I am. That is pretty cool. However, it is a bit harder to use. The interface is not exactly the best but it is accessible and works great. So for me I am currently using the iMapWeather Radio. Not sure if that helps at all but hopefully more people will comment here to help you in making the right choice for you! Both of these apps are great in keeping you on top of the weather around you. It has certainly been great for me and my family. It has alerted me of things during the night when bad storms are approaching us. Especially, in this time of the year with a lot of tornadoes in our area. So it is a great security blanket to have right in the palm of your hand.
I live in the UK, so can't use the weather radio feature - much to my annoyance - but you should probably look at Weather Underground. The app itself is OK accesswise from what I can remember, and between Accuweather, BBC and Weather Underground, I feel that Weather underground gives the best actual weather information. HTH, Erica

By Michael Hansen on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 23:32

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by LadyMunch

I have tried a lot of weather apps, and my current top weather app is Weather Alert USA. This is a very in-depth app that offers a lot of info straight from the National Weather Service. I haven't really been impressed with the interface of iMap Weather Radio, but the location tracking feature is a big plus. Overall, Weather Alert USA is the app I would recommend...especially since the developer is working on increased VoiceOver support in the app.