Expedia: Hotels, Flights & Car


Description of App

(iTunes App Store description)
The award winning Expedia Hotels & Flights app is the best and most beautiful way to book your hotel or flight. With real-time Itineraries with notifications, it's an essential app for when you're ready to start your trip. As always, you can save up to 40% with amazing Expedia Mobile Exclusive hotel deals and with Best Price Guarantee you know you're always getting the best deal. Download Expedia today.

Save big on hotel rooms
• Save up to 40% with Expedia Mobile Exclusive hotel deals
• Default to your current location for fast, on-the-go booking
• See reviews from actual hotel customers
• Sort by price, deals, or reviews — instantly
• Get cheap hotel rooms or 5-star luxury suites

Find the perfect flight
• Book a flight to anywhere in the world
• Sort by price, duration, or time instantly
• Search by airport name, city, or code

Book in a flash
• Already signed in? Book in under 30 seconds
• Earn Expedia Rewards points for mobile bookings
• Slide to purchase and away you go!

View your itinerary
• View upcoming trips that you book in the app and on the web
• Open the app when you're about to travel and immediately see your trip
• Get notifications for flight delays, gate changes and much more



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Using this app with VO I was able to easily perform every step of the process to book a round-trip Domestic U.S. flight. I searched flights, selected my desired dates, times & airports, entered my traveller & payment information, and throughout the process encountered just the following two minor VO accessibility issues, both of which were easily dealt with.
1. In the payment screen, the first field is simply announced as "text field" without any further helpful information. This field is a single field for the credit card number.
2. After the flights have been selected and the traveller & payment information entered, a button announced as "zero percent" will appear at the bottom left of the screen. This button must be activated in order to finish submitting the purchase request, but it does not seem to respond to a standard double-tap. A workaround is to first place focus on the button, then one-finger swipe up repeatedly until VO announces "100 percent," then perform a one finger double-tap to activate the button.

Aside from those issues I was very happy with the level of accessibility in every part of the App I tried. Note that I did not attempt to search for or book a hotel, so I cannot speak to the accessibility of that feature.

Of the dozen or so air travel apps I've tried, this is easily the most VO-accessible of the bunch, in my opinion. Every date picker I encountered, every popup list, every set of radio buttons, and almost every text field and control worked as it should.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

Most buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some minor accessibility issues with this app, but they are easy to deal with.

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Bryan Jones 10 years 10 months ago



By Jim on Sunday, August 31, 2014 - 22:13

What's New in Version 4.0
Introducing the new Expedia app for iPad!

â—Ź Simply start your search with a destination. No dates required.
â—Ź See hotel and flight search results side by side.
â—Ź Find the best flight and hotel faster with new filter options.
â—Ź Explore our curated travel collections and discover new destinations.
The iPad version has some issues, mainly, you can't search anything from it. The buttons to do that are not available to voiceover.

By Sue Hedges on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 22:13

Does anyone know, in this app, when I’m searching for a flight and I find the one I want, then I double tap to select it and vo says “flight selected” then what do I do?

By Danny Norris on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 22:13

Sue, Playing with it just now, after hitting the Search Flights button, there is a list of departing flights. I double tap the one I want. It goes to a different screen giving more details about the flight. At the bottom of that screen there is a button to Select Flight. After double tapping that, it went to a different screen to show me my return flights.
I will probably using this app to book my next rip. Much faster than trying to use American Airlines app and website.

By Deborah Armstrong on Sunday, July 31, 2022 - 22:13

When you try to sign in, there's a button for email address and the keyboard appears, but Voiceover doesn't accept any keyboard entries, nor does Voiceover let you paste in the email address from the clipboard. Seems like something in the interface has become nonstandard.

By Bryan Jones on Sunday, July 31, 2022 - 22:13

Hi Deborah -- I'm able to replicate the issue you mentioned and will report it to Expedia, thank you. FYI, I don’t know if this will work for you, but when I “pretended” the fields were present, and went ahead and typed my email address, activated the “Next” key on the keyboard, typed my password, and then activated the “Go” key, it did successfully sign me in. Go figure. :-)