playing Solara

By raymond lombardi, 1 October, 2014

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Can somebody please explain to me how to play Solara? I'm trying to select my heros and click the fight button with voice over and it says please select heros.
I have the I phone 5 c 32-gb in blue and ios 8.0.2



By Tyson Ernst on Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - 23:30

Hi, swipe to focus on party slot then double tap the empty slot. swipe navigate to the hero you want and double tap on him/her. You will hear: "add". Double tap again and it will add it to the empty slot. depending on how advanced you are in the game you will only have a certain amount of empty/available slots, never more than 4 though. You must add from 1 to 4 in order... in other words, you cannot add a hero to slot 3 before slot 1 and 2 are filled. You may not engage in combat with an empty slot. Some quests have a hero locked in place for the duration of the quest. Good luck. My game center ID is tyson717 or wk90.