

Description of App

Best. Barcode. Reader. Ever! Scan UPC / EAN codes and hear the names of over 37 million products! Make your own QR code labels on the Digit-Eyes website and print them on inexpensive address labels. These barcoded labels may contain text that VoiceOver reads aloud or they can be used to record audio on your iPhone or iPad that is played back whenever the bar code is scanned. Blind? Dyslexic? Having problems reading? Digit-Eyes is for you! With Digit-Eyes, you can - Record your own labels. Visit the Digit-Eyes web site to print specially coded quick-response (QR) digital code labels, apply one to your calendar or a box of leftovers, scan, and record a message. To listen to the recording, just rescan the label. This is how Nancy keeps track of her appointments; how Jeanette labels her canning and how Randy keeps the fridge clean. - Make text-based labels. Visit the Digit-Eyes web site to type up to 250 characters per label, print the specially coded quick-response (QR) barcodes on address labels on your local printer and apply them to your file folders or CDs. To listen to the text, scan it with the Digit-Eyes application on any iPhone or iPad. This is how Will’s secretary labels his folders and how Ana snoops through her friends’ CD collection. - Buy pre-printed washable labels. Sew them into your clothing and record whatever you want to about the garment: color, fabric care or what it should be worn with. Even when the labels have been washed, bleached, sent through the dryer or dry-cleaned, you’ll still be able to scan them with the Digit-Eyes app on your iPhone or iPad and hear what you recorded about the garment. This is how Davey makes sure he is wearing matching clothing and how Elizabeth can easily sort the laundry. - Use the manufacturer's product code to find out what the item is. Digit-Eyes includes a feature that enables you to identify many groceries, CDs, and other consumer goods by scanning the UPC and EAN codes on the products. Just point the camera of your iPhone, Pad or iPod Touch 5g at a package label, scan the code, and wait for Digit-Eyes to call our database and tell you what the item is. This is how Deborah picks out her yarn, how Kevin finds the beef stew, and how both get ready to record their audio labels. - Read standard inventory tags in code 39 or code 128 format. This is how Michael knows which printer is which at work and how Ben does the shelf stocking in his store. - Print labels directly from your iPhone on your Bluetooth-connected printer; - Create and read QR vCard format business card information and add the content to your contacts. This is how Digital Miracles gets information from customers at conferences and how we share our own contact information; - Create lists of code that you've scanned; edit them, type additional information and share them with others. This is how Robbie notes what items are getting used up and tells Gary what to buy at the store; - Use Digit-Eyes with any blue-tooth connected laser scanner, integrated as a single unit. This is how John is able to work at a grocery store reading the shelf tags to find where to stock the product. Use of the free Digit-Eyes website comes with the product. The website contains extensive tutorial material designed for users of the iPhone and iPad who are not sighted. The product purchase also includes free online support and tutoring. Digit-Eyes is available in English, Danish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. Digit-Eyes www.Digit-Eyes.com The solution is in your hands.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is developed from the ground up to be fully accessible to blind users by way of Apple's built-in VoiceOver screen reader. The company's founder, Nancy Miracle, demonstrates a high level of understanding about blindness and the needs and wants of blind people.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



9 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by DPinWI 3 years 11 months ago



I'm still waiting for the day when laser tech could be on the iPhone as those scans seem to be aster. I could do a faster bare code scan with an id mate summit then I ever could with digit eyes. I've personally given up on the product, 3 years ago when I got my new 5 and when I tried again with my replacement 5. I might try it again with a 6 although I'm not holding my breath.

By Siobhan on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Hi marrie. Yes the omni which I had experience was good, again having that larger view window so I'm wondering if that's why it is faster, but the person who got it hadn't updated it in I don't remember how long, so naturally the quality of performance suffered. I'm wondering if the tutorial i mentioned would go a lon way to helping people, because of sometimes it not reading correctly or not getting a barcode? I have three things, the USB scanner, the laser scanner app and this. If someone were to sell me a summit or quest with the faster detection I might consider it, also. Though, those even used ar nearly five hundred and up whereas we have the phone and ten bucks of credit will get this app. Just my view, no disrespect meant.

By AnonyMouse on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 2.01

When an audio label is scanned, playback of the audio now begins immediately. In version 2.0, it was necessary to click a button to listen to the audio.
An option has been added to allow lists to be duplicated. Digit-Eyes can be added to the notification center.

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

There are a number of changes in the new release.

The first is the timing of the playback after scanning (it is now scan-and-play rather than asking you to click a button)

The second is that if you are one of the folks who is selling product and who needs the UPC number as well as a name, there is a way to turn on a feature where you can get that information.

The third is that the app is now in the notification center, which means that it is super-quick to invoke the scanner if you want to use that feature.

The last feature is that you can make new lists from old ones by copying.

If you are, incidentally, interested in using a laser scanner with your iPhone, we recommend the KDC 410i. This is a sled that your iPhone slips into and that connects to the iPhone with Bluetooth. The laser is under the iPhone and the controls are integrated with the Digit-Eyes controls so you can use either the buttons on the laser or the controls on the face of the iPhone as you wish.

You can also use a separate handheld bluetooth scanner, but I personally found that I had at least one hand too few to be able to do this real conveniently unless I used the glove as a holder for the scanner http://koamtac.com/fingerTriggerGlove.html It is pretty cool (like having a spidey-hand that you just point to read), but I think it probably works a bit better for sighted people who can see where the laser light is shining; I had a hard time telling exactly where it was focusing. But it was fun to wave my laser-equipped hand around...

A couple of points if you have just done the upgrade (I've gotten several calls):
a) the iPhone is going to ask you to reauthorize Digit-Eyes to use the camera and the mic. If you don't the app won't work (SURPRISE!)
b) If you did not do this and the app does not seem to be working, bring up "settings" on your phone and go to the bottom of the screen where the Digit-Eyes app is listed. Click on it and you'll see a listing of devices that Digit-Eyes uses: microphone, camera and cellular data. Make sure the camera and microphone are enabled.

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Incidentally, one of the reasons that the iPhone does not normally include a laser and probably won't (at least for quite some time) is not just that applications for lasers are limited, but also because driving a laser takes quite a bit of power and would swiftly drain the iPhone battery. The sled and separate scanner, needless to say, have their own batteries...

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

it should be there as a matter of course. It is at the bottom of "today" on mine...

By Siobhan on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Hi Nancy. Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I ound out what I did wrong, I didn't enable the widgits, I even needed to enable dictation. oops? lol.

By Siobhan on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Hi Nancy. I don't know if this should've gotten emailed, and if you'd rather I do that I will. Anyway I went to scan a bottle, tapped scan, It beeped, vibrated, then did the double click of scanning, not just the click, wait, click, wait. It was click click, wait, click click, wait. Also if you double tap to cancel, the scanning sound seems to be playing still. To reproduce this, I'm using an iphone 5 with the latest ios. Tap digit eyes, then scan, and the behavior should be able to be reproduced. And god help me if I'm the only one who has said this and you guys can't reproduce this. :) Have a good one.

By Misty Dawn on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Yesterday, I tried to scan a bottle and, every time I pressed the "scan" button, the app just closed (reset itself?). I tried this several times and got the same result. I even tried other functions and got the same result.

Has anyone else been experiencing this?

(I am still using iOS 7.1.2 and am not sure if any improvements they've made for 8 have anything to do with this.)

By Siobhan on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Misty, have you updated the app? I think it's version 2.01 or something, but maybe they did improve something for accessibility. Also what are you using, an iPhone five?

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

This is being caused because the iPhone is not properly transferring the permissions when the app is upgraded and it does not have access to the camera and/or mic.

To fix the problem
a) go to settings
b) scroll down to where Digit-Eyes is listed
c) click Digit-Eyes to see the permissions for the app
d) turn on both microphone and camera access

Voila! All will be well!

By Misty Dawn on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Also, Siobhan, I have my apps set to update automatically, so, yes, I should, I assume, have the latest.

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Interesting point. Let me see if I can duplicate that on one of our test systems that is still on iOS 7.

I'll report back in a bit.

By Deb on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Having exactly the same trouble since the latest update to Digiteyes. Also using IPhone 5 still running IOS 7.1 Tried turning on and off the phone and uninstalling the app and installing it again. Results still the same. Thank you for help with this problem.

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44


We just found a bug that is causing the app to crash on phones with iOS 6 and iOS7. The problem does not happen on iOS8.

We have a fix submitted to Apple and are waiting for their approval (this often takes several days). We sincerely apologize for the problem.

By Misty Dawn on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Tthanks so much, Ms. Miracle, for the info and great effort. It is so nice to have an app dev on here listening to and taking care of issues our community has

Looking forward to the update.

By Deb on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 21:44

Looking forward to the update! Thank you. Don't realize how much you use something until you don't have it.

By Misty Dawn on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

Well, it appears that Digit-Eyes is still not working for folks with iOS 7...

I just tried it today...

Still crashes whatever I try to do...

I never realized how much I used it until it went away. I really feel like some of my independence has been taken away...

Ms. Miracle, you mentioned that it would take "several days" for Apple to approve your update. It has been nearly a week and my app is still crashing...

Please fix this app as soon as you can. I'm sure many of us, like me, really miss it...

By Nancy Miracle on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

Apple rejected our first submission because of the feature we have to use quick scan on the notification center. This was not a new feature; they'd changed their policy and it is now not allowed. We resubmitted it and are waiting for approval.

After we get it, we'll appeal with them on the matter of the quick scan, but appeal can take months and we didn't want the software off the market for that long.

By Misty Dawn on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

First, thanks for the info.

So, does this mean we will no longer be able to scan the bar codes of items? I'm confused. What are the practical ramifications for us for the use of the app until something else can be worked out?

By Nancy Miracle on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

You will absolutely be able to scan.

What we had done was to take advantage of one of the new features on iOS7 and 8, which is to use the notification center as a shortcut to allow you to scan quickly (just swipe up on any screen and you see DE, ready to scan).

Apple has recently apparently taken the position that they don't want the notification center used for application quick launches and misunderstood our implementation to be such. Arguing with them takes a long LONG time and while it is going on, the app would remain in its current state (works on iOS8, not on 7 or 6). So we wimped out, removed the feature and resubmitted it without the feature.

Once it is approved, we will resubmit WITH the feature and file an appeal.

But this is the quickest way to get everyone up and running again....

By Nancy Miracle on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

Apple just approved and released the update that has the solution for the problem with iOS6 and iOS7.

Please download a new copy and scan away!

By Deb on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 21:44

Thanks for the update to Digiteyes!

By Misty Dawn on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 21:44

All right, so, DigitEyes was working fine as recently as last night, but, today, it seems that absolutely nothing is able to scan! Every time I scan something, it gives me that message saying that the item couldn't be found, even for very common items.

I even scanned something that I scanned last night when it was working, but, today, even that item wouldn't scan!

Is anyone else having this issue?

I have an iPhone 5 with iOS 9.1.

By Misty Dawn on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 21:44

All right. So, this is not the first time DigitEyes has had issues.

So, I was wondering...

What would any of you recommend as a good "backup" for DigitEyes when it goes down? What alternatives would you recommend for barcode scanners like this?

By Misty Dawn on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 - 21:44

I must say that I have been having many more issues with this app in recently weeks, especially relating to the fact that, very often, one day, something will scan, and, the next day, the same object will not scan.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, March 3, 2017 - 21:44

I gave up on digit eyes afte a few months of using it. I wish I coudl bet my money back, but I can't as I passed the 90 day grase period.

By DPinWI on Friday, March 3, 2017 - 21:44

I still use it regularly, and quite successfully. Other apps may find the bar code a little quicker, but no other app I have used gives me the wealth of information this one does. This is a case where practice, and patience, are rewarded.

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, March 31, 2017 - 21:44

A number of our users have recently written noting that the capture on Digit-Eyes is much faster since the most recent iOS releases. The reason is that the iPhone now has image stabilization, which significantly improves the capture rate for the camera. There isn't anything you have to do to implement this -- it is automatic when you install the new OS.

By cool cat on Thursday, May 31, 2018 - 21:44

After reading this thread it seems that this app has had it's ups and downs. I have had Pen Friends quit working on me, so I downloaded this app to make audio labels and it works great! I haven't used this app to scan barcodes on food products that much but Seeing AI seems a bit better, especially since Seeing AI gives you a noise indicator. I love how you can get small stickers like the 4 x 20 Avery stickers. If I couldn't get that small of sticker I don't think this app would be used very much or even purchased. if the app developer is reading this, a app improvement would be a flashlight option to turn on in the app. A very worthy app and I like how the audio when making a audio label is nice and clear, I tried another app and the audio was a little more faded, plus it was European and I didn't realize A4 size paper isn't really a thing in Canada LOL.