Announcing Our New Campaign of the Month: Slacker Radio

By AppleVis, 6 March, 2013

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Slacker Radio claims that its iOS app gives listeners "anytime, anywhere access to the world’s best music and entertainment". Unfortunately, this does not currently include blind and low vision users, who can only access a very small fraction of the available music stations, as these are presented in a way that makes them impossible to browse and select with VoiceOver. If this weren't enough of a barrier, the app is mostly devoid of labels for interface elements and controls, making it extremely difficult to navigate.

Therefore, we are encouraging you all to contact Slacker and ask that they endeavor to fix these problems.

Simply submit this pre-filled form to have your request for improved accessibility mailed directly to the developer of Slacker Radio. Please note that you will need to be registered and logged in to access and use this form.

As always, the more of you who support our campaign, the more likely it is that the developer will take notice. So, do please take just a few moments to submit the form.

For more information on this and past campaigns, please visit the main Campaign of the Month page. On that page, you will also be able to nominate apps for future campaigns.



By sockhopsinger on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 21:45

Better consider making a new campaign of the month for Slacker. Their developers, in their admittedly spotty wisdom, have broken it once again. IT is virtually impossible to scroll and find music you want to listen to. Also, finding the refresh buttons for the album content have become much harder. There are also several buttons that do not register when you double tap on them. I guess Slacker subscribes to the motto of the 2010s, "if it ain't broke, break it!"