LinkedIn: Network & Job Finder

Description of App

In the know. On the go. The LinkedIn app for iPhone and iPad.

Redesigned with you in mind! The new iPhone app makes it even easier to connect and grow your network, engage with professional content and gain insights right from the stream. The new intelligent navigation is personalized just for you based on how you use LinkedIn everyday.

•Connect with more than 238 million members worldwide
•Stay up to date with people in your network
•Search for people, jobs, companies and groups
•Follow Influencers to get insights and original content from industry leaders in your stream*
•Update your profile from within the app*
•View and save recommended jobs*
•Read the latest industry news
•Follow and learn more about companies
•Keep up with your favorite groups

*The Profile Edit, Jobs, and Influencer functionalities are currently only available for iPhone.

- The LinkedIn iPad and iPhone apps only support iOS 5.0 and higher. Please update your device operating system prior to updating the app.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is completely accessible to voiceover, the titles of news categories and articles in the news section are read as "article..." by voiceover though.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Other Comments

Using this app is a real treat and in some ways, more accessible than the site its self.

Developer's Twitter Username




By Ankit Rajiv Jindal on Tuesday, May 21, 2013 - 15:04

Hi folks, After upgrading to the latest version of this app, voice over is not reading the content of the messages received on linkedin. Is anyone else facing the same issue?

By David Goodwin on Friday, June 21, 2013 - 15:04

It's been quite some time since this app was first posted to the site, and the above comment (along with a comment that I've read elsewhere) would suggest that the app is no longer fully accessible. So, it would be great if any of you who use this app could let us know the extent of the problems. We can then update the accessibility ratings to more accurately reflect the current status of the app.

By Mike Taylor on Saturday, September 21, 2013 - 15:04

I found with the linkedin app that while some buttons are labelled such as the 'messages' button, it is confusing and various images seem to be announced for the most part of the app. An example is top.gif or bottom.gif. I also found that it is possible to access any alerts to connect, or that some one has responded to your invite to connect and I can view the persons profile, but I wouldn't say it's very usable in it's current state. I am going to keep it though as I would love some accessible updates to come. I would use the website for now, because although it isn't fully easy to use, it's better than the app. Running an iPhone 4S with current iOS version. Hope this information helps. Mike

By Mike Taylor on Monday, October 21, 2013 - 15:04

To update my comment above, I still found that the recent update of Linkedin last week contains no improvements to the app for Voiceover users. Running current version of iOS7 and iPhone 5C. Having contacted linkedin, I am waiting for a response. Mike

By KE7ZUM on Monday, October 21, 2013 - 15:04

In reply to by Mike Taylor

Really? I have no issues, apart from the images. I just view the profile and hit connect. The only problem I have for me is if I want to connect to more then 2 people in 1 day I can't as it opens up an email and the email field is not populated. but so far the app is usable, at least for me anyway Tc all

By KE7ZUM on Monday, October 21, 2013 - 15:04

In reply to by Mike Taylor

The only issue I have actually is when I go to connect to more then 2 people by viewing their profile and hitting the connect button I get an email message with the email field empty. This is a bit annoying and I've been having this issue since about july or so, other wise the app is pretty good.

By Mike Taylor on Monday, October 21, 2013 - 15:04

Not sure what is going on this side. When I scroll through comments from my connections, I get a piece of text announced as RTtop and then the comment, followed by what seems like a gap in my feed. Also the app Appears to be refreshing while I am flicking through, although I understand that is Moore a user rather than an access problem, I just think it could be so much better. Thanks for the info. Mike

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, November 21, 2013 - 15:04

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
After giving the LinkedIn app a review and try. I have come to the conclusion that this is not fully VoiceOver accessible. There is section in this app that has unlabeled buttons. The interface is not the easiest to use. There are places that I can't simply tell if it is working or does not work at all. For example, if one goes to give somebody some endorsements. It will lead you to a page that allows you to select a variety of check boxes. However, if I single finger double tap on those check boxes. It fails to tell me if it they are being selected or not. I'm not even sure if it even works at all. There are other places such as the ability to accept a person that has requested to be LinkedIn with you. I can tap on the Accept button but it also fails to let me know if this was accepted or not. Unfortunately, there are many issues with this app. I would say about 70% of the app does work but with those. I wouldn't exactly call them fully accessible. There are a lot of things that I think they could do to improve the experience for the VoiceOver users. So one would hope that they will do this for the visually impaired community. This is an app that is essential to all professional that want to keep in touch with the job world. So to have people with visual impairment an equal footing with others. This needs to be worked on. Unfortunately, there is not much to say about the site as well. It is very hard for one to use the site to the fullest potential as one would want. So I also hope the same for the site to be accessible for us to use. If anyone disagree with my assessment on what I have found. Please feel free to chime in. I would be curious in how one work out some of the section that doesn't quite work for me. Perhaps, I just need some help in understanding in how to use those section? So any advice and tips would be great.

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, November 21, 2013 - 15:04

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

They have taken a step backwards in terms of being accessible in this release. There now several areas with in the app that have unlabell buttons. Plus, there are segments that does not appear to work or they are difficult to use.

What's New in Version 7.0

A complete redesign of our iPad app. Shaped by your feedback, the new app delivers the power of LinkedIn in an experience tailored just for your iPad.

• A more dynamic, visual feed: like, follow, share, and comment on network updates and industry news right from your feed. With rich media, it's now more beautiful than ever.
• Streamlined, personalized navigation: find the LinkedIn content that matters most to you.
• Your favorite LinkedIn features, now accessible from the app: get business insights by following Influencers, tap into industry knowledge by following channels, and view and save jobs.
• Enhanced search: you can now search for more than just profiles! Find companies, jobs, and groups to get the information you need.

By Mike Taylor on Friday, March 21, 2014 - 15:04

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I have to agree. No significant updates regards it's access in recent updates.

By KE7ZUM on Monday, April 21, 2014 - 15:04

In reply to by Mike Taylor

Looks like I need to contact the developers again. they did say they were going to improve the accessibility a lot when I submitted my podcast for linkedin to them, that was almost 5 months ago.

By Weary Mouse on Monday, April 21, 2014 - 15:04

There are two serious problems with the linked-in app: 1. You cannot read messages. Kind of a big gap for a networking app - someone actually writes you and you can't read it. 2. You cannot access posted jobs. At all. You can get as far as the list of jobs and then if you tap on one to read it, you get nothing - not the description or contact info or anything. What you can do is find people, invite them to connect, accept connections, and join groups. You can also read the group posts. You can sort of read the stream of posts from different sources that you are greeted with whenyou open the app. As someone else mentioned, there is a lot of extra annoying verbiage mixed in. It's a little tenuous if you want to "like" a post - well, it's not exactly clear what you are doing because the labeling for the buttons under posts is ambiguous. The same for the endorsement issue that was already described. I do use the app for what I can do with it but would definitely not call it accessible. Certainly they didn't do anything to make it so. I tried contacting them. As was suggested, I believe, on their web site, I reported the problem via twitter. At least I did my best in 144 characters, specifically mentioning the two biggest problems I described above. The first response was someone asking me to send a screen shot of what I could see. Yes, really. So, I explained what VoiceOver is and got a "I'll pass it along" kind of reply. Oh, yes, they apologized for the frustration it was causing me. That was February 5. Apparently they don't feel too bad because it hasn't improved since then.

By KE7ZUM on Monday, April 21, 2014 - 15:04

In reply to by Weary Mouse

Actually the linked in app is very much accessible. I used it to reply to apply to jobs, plus reply to messages. Here is the I did and submitted to the linkedin team pointing out the problems as well as the working parts.

When you receive a reply to your message all you need to do is reply to it via email. I have mine set up so I get messages in my email in box and I reply, it goes to the other person's linked in email and so on. It's way more convenient that way.

By Jim on Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 15:04

How is the current version of this app?

By Dave Nason on Saturday, March 21, 2015 - 15:04

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

The accessibility rating on this app is extremely generous. It is far from fully accessible. There are unlabelled buttons, inconsistencies and poor usability throughout the app. Very disappointing.

By Jesus R on Monday, September 21, 2015 - 15:04

Hi, I downloaded the linked in app, and seemed to be fine, on the sign in screen anyway, but I don't know if the rest is accessible because it wanted me to fill in words from an image on the screen. Is this new? Is the app accessible at this point after this screen?
Any help and comments would be welcome.

By Andy B. on Monday, September 21, 2015 - 15:04

The only problem I have with the app is that the button to follow or unfollow a person is not labeled. VO will say something like "not selected button." Otherwise, no problems at all.

By Teresa blaes on Monday, March 21, 2016 - 15:04

I am hoping the app is truly accessable, as its crap on the computer. I can't do much with it unless I go for the regular site, and not the moble. have they fixed the problems with the app? thanks, Teresa

By Aidan JK on Wednesday, August 21, 2019 - 15:04

In the last few weeks I've not been able to find the skills, endorsements and recommendations part of profiles. 3-finger swiping routinely announces 2 pages and flicking to the second seems to send scrolling all over the place. I keep trying but not sure what I'm missing, if anything.