Shuffling ALL SONGS From A Particular Artist

By Misty Dawn, 6 July, 2015

iOS and iPadOS

In the latest design of the native Music app in iOS 8.4, how do you shuffle ALL SONGS from a particular artist?

I've found out how you shuffle, say, songs from a particular album of an artist, but I can't find any button that allows you to shuffle ALL the songs from a particular artist.

Say I want to shuffle ALL of the songs I have on my iPhone that are by Enya. I have 6 albums of hers on my iPhone. When I go to Enya's page, I see the albums listed, but I don't see a way to shuffle ALL SONGS of hers, not just certain ones from certain albums. Now, if I go to one of her albums, I can see a "shuffle" option, but none for ALL her songs on the main artist page.

I was able to get Siri to do this by saying "shuffle all songs by Enya", but I don't know of any way to do it *without* Siri.

Help, please.



By Galemir on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

After clicking on an artist, there should be a shuffle button above the list of their albums.

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Strange. I'm not seeing it. All I see is an "All" and a "My Music" button. Above that, I have a "Following" button. There is no shuffel above the album listing for me.

I have an iPhone 5 and am wondering if anyone else is having this issue...?

By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Whenever I close the Music app, it never keeps my place in a playlist and automatically just starts playing all my songs shuffled. Very annoying.

By Clare Page on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Hi! The subject of how to shuffle all the songs by one artist in the Music app of IOS 8.4 was raised by one of my friends not long before I read the posts on this thread, and I'll give you the tip another friend came up with. After you've set the category to Artists in the music app, find the artist you want, set your VoiceOver rotor to Actions, then swipe down to Play and double-tap that. Once the music starts playing, you can open the Now playing screen to make sure Shuffle is on. I have just tested this method myself and it definitely works.

By Misty Dawn on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Ugh. That is so completely not an obvious way to shuffle songs. Not sure if this is a thing for sighted people as well, but Apple has really made this hard to figure out in this new Music app.

At any rate, thanks for the tip.

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Hello sockhopsinger. I've just discovered that, should you leave the shuffle button active, then the next time you play more music, the shuffle button is still active. This is one of those things that we just have to remember to toggle accordingly.


By sockhopsinger on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

I've tried that. I've gone in, turned off the shuffle button, and exited the app. Next time I did a two finger double tap to play, it started a completely new song. Very strange. Thanks for telling me though.

I closed music apple and now in my music I can shuffle. Also I noticed that the imdex is gone when you turn on apple music and comes back when you turn apple music off.

By Clare Page on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

I've also noticed that the table index with the letters of the alphabet has gone, but i didn't notice whether it disappeared before I signed up for Apple music or not. However, there is a good workaround I've found when the table index doesn't show up, which you can use to find a song, artist or album beginning with a particular letter. Make sure Headings is in your VoiceOver rotor, turn the rotor to find it, thenswipe up or down to the letter you want: for example, if you're on the letter A and you want an artist, song or album beginning with D, swipe down three times with your rotor set to Headings. I hope this helps;

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

I have encountered this bug, as well. I found a way to make the Table Index appear. If you swipe up one screen then the index is shown. It works normally then.


By DrogsBollocks on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

I've noticed that I can see a shuffle option if the artist has no more than two albums. Once you get more than two, the option disappears.

By monicaaburke on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

Go into your music, type the artists name in the search bar and make sure that 'my music' is selected. then the artist will come up, their albums will come up, then their songs will come up. Click on songs and once you play one you can press shuffle and it will shuffle all of the songs from that artist. Hope this helped!

By Roxann Pollard on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 - 21:26

While multitasking this evening, I inadvertently discovered a wonderful gesture. I don't know if this existed before iOS 8.4 update or not.

While in the Apple Music app, with the My Music selected, A three-finger swipe to the left shows the Library section, where artists and albums are shown. A three-finger swipe to the right shows the Playlists section, where you see your playlists from Apple Music or your own curated playlists. I was delighted to see that I don't need to use the button to toggle between the two sections of the app anymore.


By Mjd on Saturday, August 15, 2015 - 21:26

It's not intuitive but, if your main music drop down is set to artists scroll to the artist you want and to the right of their name are 3 dots. Click those dots then select "add to next". That will add all the songs from that artist. If shuffle is turned on in the current song being played control screen it will shuffle them as well.
You can check it by going into the currently being played screen and click the three little lines on the right. That is the up next screen, if it worked you'll see all your songs by the artist you selected.

By ConnMan on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 21:26

The new iTunes is terrible. To the point of the original post, I too, I have found it impossible to shuffle ALL songs from a particular artist. I can only get it to shuffle songs from a particular album from a particular artist, but not all albums. And the letter library on the right that helps you locate an artist only appears after you begin to scroll. Terrible. Go back to what made you famous Apple. Simple, elegant and intuitive. Your iTunes currently looks like something I would expect from Microsoft.