Flashcards Deluxe Lite


Description of App

This is a free lite version which has a LIMIT of 4 decks and 6 cards per deck. The paid version does not have this restriction.

Flashcards Deluxe is an easy to use, yet powerful flashcard app which you can use to study just about anything you want. I use this app for my own Chinese
studies, and am constantly improving it to make it better for myself and others.


• Two smart study modes that automatically focus more on the cards you miss: Leitner and a more advanced Spaced Repetition mode (similar to SuperMemo or
• Quizlet.com integration - Browse and download any of their 4 million+ flashcard sets.
• Text to speech (TTS) audio in 18 languages (no internet connection needed to study)
• Multiple choice option
• Spelling tests (listen to audio and use keyboard to answer)
• Searchable listing of your cards that allows you to easily look up other terms as you study
• Organize decks in folders and combine decks for studying
• Several flashcard color themes to choose from (sky, wood, chalkboard, etc.)
• Divide cards into categories
• 1 to 5 sided cards
• Include pictures and sounds. Zoom into pictures. Auto repeat sounds.
• 3 response levels: Wrong, I kind of know, I know really well (vs the standard correct/wrong) - for more efficient studying
• Easy navigation - swipe or tap to answer (customizable)
• Draw self-graded answer with your finger (drawing not saved)
• Automatically turn cards off after getting them correct a certain number/percentage of reviews
• Clean, efficient user interface, including full-screen and landscape viewing
• Custom text and background colors
• Browse mode that lets you easily navigate forward or back without keeping score
• Slideshow mode
• Large number of cards (10,000+) can be imported easily (full version)
• Backup your flashcards to your computer
• Supports Dropbox, Google Docs and USB transfers
• Very easy to get started, with lots of features and options for advanced users
• Great support! I promptly respond to any questions or feedback you may have. Use my website's public forum or email me.

You can create flashcards either on your computer or directly within the app. If you don't want to make your own, you can browse and download flashcards
from Quizlet.com.

Creating cards on your computer is an easy process of making a two column list of questions and answers in a text editor or spreadsheet, copy/pasting your
list into our website, and then downloading it to your device. You can also transfer flashcards using Dropbox, Google Docs or even your own web server.

Praise for the PAID version:

iTunes store Staff Favorite (December 2009)
10/10 - theiphoneappreview.com

"If there’s anything that will leave you scratching your head about this incredible app is why it isn’t more expensive... FlashCards Deluxe is truly an
educational app worth obtaining. Nothing you want to learn right now? Download the app. It will make you want to learn something just by having it." -
theiphoneappreview.com 12/10/09

Please see our web site for more information.

If you are not satisfied with the product for any reason, please let me know why and I'll try to help.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

very accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.


1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Elizabeth conlin 3 years 10 months ago



By Elizabeth conlin on Saturday, October 31, 2015 - 23:42

thanks for making this app accessable with voice over.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Monday, May 31, 2021 - 23:42

I have just purchased this application although it hasn't updated since 2020.
Really nice app for my studying languages.

By Unregistered User (not verified) on Thursday, July 1, 2021 - 23:42

This app has been updated.
A very good progress for my Chinese.
Duolingo and this app are a very comfortable combination.