This ought to be really easy to find out, but doesn't seem to be. I know how to start editting the home screen with a bluetooth keyboard, equivalent to double tap and hold on the home screen, and I know how to move the app or folder around etc. However can I work out how to drop the app or stop editting or whatever. This is driving me completely insane, as I used to know how to do it, but have forgotten. Any ideas?
moving aps or folders withbluetooth keyboard
I dunno if this will work.
When you get the app where u want it, just hit the home button.
or space-h on the keyboard.
Seems like it otta work.
Didn't think of that, I'll
Didn't think of that, I'll let you know, I'm sure there's a keyboard command though
using the home button space bar or enter key
While these were excellent suggestions, unfortunately they don't work.
Try just pressing the ESC key
Have you tried just hitting the ESC key, if there is one?
Greg Wocher
pressing escape
I do have an escape key, and this doesn't work either, sorry.
Try VO plus H, control-option H togo to home page. I actually don't know the move commands on the BT keyboard. Using a Logitech keyboard if that helps.