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I use Google maps to see public transport where I live. What I understand is displayed with different colors on the bus etc is on time or late. Is there
any way of using VoiceOver reading of these colors?
Did you mean to dictate that first bit? Thank you for teaching me a new word. I can read and understand some Swedish, but I'd not encountered that word before.
In answer to your question, I do not believe Google Maps exposes the color data to VoiceOver. Color data can be read in applications such as word processors if the relevant data is given, but Google Maps does not seem to expose this.
I missed
I am using google translate when I wrote this and missed the first word in Swedish. It is text from google translate wish shouldn't be there. I paste them by misstake.
No worries
Hey no worries. It gave me a chance to practice my Swedish--something I don't have much of a chance to do where I live.
You can mail me private if
You can mail me private if you want to practice your Swedish. my mail address is [email protected]