Which object recognition apps would you recommend for a blind iPhone user?

By gill, 2 August, 2016

iOS and iPadOS

Which object recognition app do you recommend. I am blind, use voice over, looking for free app, at beginning stage of using iPhone. Thank you for your feedback. Gill



By JeffB on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 03:21

TapTapsee is the best and it is free. It does require an internet connection though. It works great too with computer screens to see what you're computer is doing while booting or restarting. You can take up to 3 pictures at a time for it to process and it can even do pictures you have taken before. Some of the pictures are done by comparing it to images online and others are looked at by a person. It does take some time to get a result and sometimes you need to move the item around if it’s like a food product to get the label in the shot but it is the most accurate Object recognition app in my opinion.


By TJT 2001 on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 03:21

Aipoly Vision is a free app that does not require an Internet connection. It can identify objects and colours. It is only in the beginning stages of its life, which means that its level of object recognition is about equal to what a three-year-old child could tell you. However, it has the facility for users to enter their own descriptions of objects which can then be shared with the wider user base. I am still yet to try it though.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 03:21

Hello, I'd recommend Tap tap see. It is free, will recognise objects after you've taken a picture of the object and will give you quite a bit of detail.

I'd also recommend an app called BeSpecular. You can find out more here. http://www.applevis.com/apps/ios/utilities/bespecular-help-blind

Note: You do need an internet connection for both of these apps.

By Becca on Tuesday, August 23, 2016 - 03:21

I will agree with other posters that Tap Tap See is the best app. It does take a bit for the app to recognize things though. It is great none the less.