I want to give one of my Mobbles to my friend but I'm not sure how to do it. I tried it with the trading option but it didn't work because you have to trade your mobble for one of their Mobbles but I just want to give one to them. Does it not work with voiceover? If you know how please help. Thank you!
You need
You need a sighted help for that.
Lets try to contact the developer.
And tel them how we love this game.
And about voiceover
I agree with you!
How do we contact the developer? The app is accessible but there are just some things that I wish would work with voiceover in the app but they don't. I love this game it's so much fun!
wish game do you talk about
Wish game do you talk about?
The game is called Mobbles.
The game is called Mobbles. It is a game where you have to take care of these creatures and you have to catch them by walking outside. You get one Mobble to start with and then you can hatch eggs by buying them with the in game currency called mop dollars or trade with friends. By the way I haven't battled yet so whoever wants to find me my username is shy_Eevee.