Can I toggle between grades for input?

By wheelysneakycat, 23 September, 2016

Braille on Apple Products


Yesterday I started using my braillenote apex as a display with my macbook running osx 10.11. I was typing in computer braille and wasn't sure whether it's possible to type in grade 2 anyway. Today I connected the display and it's set for me to type in grade 2, it took me a while to work out that was happening. I actually prefer it in computer braille sometimes so I'm wondering how I can toggle between computer braille and grade 2? I can't find this documented in the "assign commands" part of the braille options in voiceover utility, and it isn't mentioned in what I'm reading on the Humanware website. But it must be set somehow, since both have been possible for me but I have no idea how it's switched between the two, I must've pressed something accidentally. I'd like to get back to inputting in computer braille. Can anyone tell me how I can do this?



By Brian Tew on Saturday, October 8, 2016 - 03:01

on my braille sense u2 I press space+g to toggle that.
There are three choices. Maybe it's the same for your display since it's all voiceover.
Assuming you are using voiceover.

By wheelysneakycat on Saturday, October 8, 2016 - 03:01

Oh ok, yes when I do space with g it does switch between contracted and uncontracted braille for input but this also toggles the output on the display.

Is it possible to have the input be in computer braille but at the same time keep the display showing in contracted braille?