Hello everyone,
Its my first Forum post here so I hope I do everything right:-)
I bought myself the wonderful DJay Pro app for my Mac book Pro. Along I got a controller. Now I have some questions regarding the DJayp Pro applikation:
1. Is there someone using the aktual DJay Pro version and can help me out?
2. How can I access the many keyboard shortcuts for the DJay applikation? I know I can call up a shortcut list via the help menue but for some strange reson I only get a search field there.
How do I call up this shortcut list?
Also I wuld like to connect with DJs who use DJay pro, too so we can exchange ideas and help us all out.
I am a DJ for many years now. Since 1988 aktually. So I know a lot about Deejaying only with the digital World in Deejaying I have my challenge:-)
You can get in contact with me via email to patrick.schuppe@web.de or here at the Forum.
Thanks a million to you all,
Patrick / DJ Joyman
Is this forum emty?
I am wondering if this Forum is emty? Does anyone have Djay Pro? Just wondering thanks
DJay Pro
Wow. I didn't know it is accessible
I'm new on the forum, or, I have had my account for very long time, but due to a busy life, I haven't really looked at the forum until now.
I'm not a DJ, but I'm interested in this anyway. I didn't knew Dj pro is accessible. Sounds really cool. I've heard about a blind dj, who I currently not is in contact with, who are using his iPhone with a Braille display while mixing, so the speech don't come out of the speakers.
Note on DJay Pro Accessibility
Just a quick note: as of this writing, DJay Pro has some issues with Sierra that make it nigh impossible to use with Voiceover. Typing anything into the search field causes the focus to move out of the search field, potentially activating unwanted keyboard shortcuts. Algoriddim is aware of the issue and have promised an update, but until then your mileage may vary when using this app with Sierra. All other versions of Mac OS seem to work fine.
DJay Pro
I'm just getting started with DJing and using DJay Pro, so I'm happy to help you out with anything. For the keyboard shortcuts, like the previous comment said, you can use VO and down arrow to get past the search field, or you can press shift and K from anywhere in the application. If you have a controller though, the only keyboard shortcuts you'll really need are CMD +F to get to the search field, and shift +option +A or L to reset the decks, most other things should be mapped with your controller.
Andrew, I'm running Sierra currently and it's working fine for me, have you tried interacting with the search field before you type in it? That could be a reason.
Djay Pro
Hi all,
I was wondering if there'll be users of Djay Pro on here, so glad to know there are some DJs.
I've been using this app for over a year, and so far I've been having a great experience with it, considering the shortcuts question got answered, I'll refer to your other question, yes, I'm another Day Pro user, so if you need any help feel free to ask :)
Sierra and Search Field
Turning off keyboard shortcuts and activating the search helps a little, but the problem doesn't go away entirely. It's very annoying. There's a <a href='http://community.algoriddim.com/algoriddim/topics/search-box-deactivates-after-first-character'>thread</a> on their forums where other people have reported this issue; apparently the problem has been fixed but won't be released until their next update.
Iphone version.
I wonder if the iPhone version is accessible. Not a DJ but the beat matching , tempo, and key detection could be useful to me.
It's half price on the app store today. $6 CAD, about $4 USD.
Sounds like fun. Wonder what controlers work with the iPhone.
thanks and big help for all blind DJs
Hello everyone,
I wasnt here for a while. Thanks to everyone for your help!
I am writing to say that Djay pro on the Iphone is accessible. A controller I would try for it is the Reloop Beadpath 2.
I was realy impressed once I updated it and found out how much buttons are labled. Will get a bead path 2 soon to test it better.
I am today also writing to you to be of help for all blind Djs!
I have today created a whats app group related to beeing a blind Dj.
My goal with that group is to help blind DJs to connect, get quicker help and be a big group when we go to software creators to ask for accessibility.
Web radio moderators are welcome, too because in my opinion they are Djs, too:-)
To join the Blind DJs group on whats app use the following link:
This will act as an whats app group invite link.
I hope we DJs can help each other out.
Keep enjoying music:-)
DJ Joyman
djay Pro + Pioneer DDJ-SX2
I have been using the excellent djay Pro now for several years, and have had success both for small projects and club events. I find that having a great controller is essential to any mix performance sets. Combine the controller with the effects pads on a large iPad Pro, and you have a fantastic full toolbox at your fingertips.
The key to a good experience with this app is having well organized playlists, and analyzing your music library whenever you add new content. Also, on the Mac version, customize your MIDI configuration so that your controller does the things you specifically need, as the default configurations are mapped to the functions written in print on the buttons. These are clearly suggestions, but remember, it is a MIDI controller, so you may reconfigure as you wish.
My personal setup:
• Pioneer DDJ-SX2 with custom MIDI mapping.
• iPad Pro (large) or MacBook Pro
• Stand - Hovers the iPad Pro over the mixer portion of my controller.
• Apple Lightning to USB 3.0 adaptor.
• Apple 12 watt power adaptor and lightning cable connected to the mentioned USB adaptor.
• Short three outlet power strip for powering the 12 watt plug and Pioneer power plug.
• Extension cord, because you never know what you’ll encounter in that DJ booth.
• Focal Spirit 2 headphones. Provide a flat reference sound at studio monitor quality with reasonable isolation.
• VoiceOver Settings under Audio set to use channels 3 and 4 of the Pioneer DDJ-SX2 for both speech and sounds.
• VoiceOver Settings: Ducking: off
• iPad Pro Control Center: Enable both mute and Do Not Disturb.
• iPad Pro Control Center: Turn Airplane Mode on if you do not need any connectivity during your set. If you do, such as using Spotify, make sure you don’t forget Do Not Disturb.
The last two points are essential for club or professional event use. You don’t want your incoming Mail notification to duck the audio and bing loudly over your awesome beats.
A note about VoiceOver audio:
As mentioned, change the audio output for VoiceOver speech and sounds to use the channels on your controller corresponding to cue audio. On the Mac, use Audio MIDI Setup to change the default speaker configuration to use the cue channels, then in Sound preferences set your Controller as the main output for the Mac. Not only will any unforeseen Mac sounds come out of the channels you specified, but so will VoiceOver speech and sounds. djay Pro should be the only source using channels 1 and 2.
Good luck,
Thanks Ryan
thanks Ryan thats exactly what I will do. I will use the mac book pro for setup.
Have you ever used beat gritting in Djay pro or know if it is accessible? thanks:-)
Patrick / DJ Joyman
info Pioneer DDJ-SX2 no longer for sale
Hello everyone,
Just a short note for you all:-) the Pioneer DDJ-SX2 is no longer for sale. I dont know much of the newer controllers I mean how accessible they will be.
I will check if I can find it still. I would love very much the "Pioneer DDJ 1000" but its recordbox only:-)
I hope everyone who still wants it can get it including me:-)
Ryan I would love to connect with you offline to exchange ideas and stay in contact.
Best wishes and keep Djaying:-)
DDJ 1000 by Pioneer
Hello folks:
I just purchased DDJ 1000 that DJ Joyman has mentioned in the previous commnet, and I can claim it works very well so far.
It has the lcd screen, and yet I couldn't notice any notification missing by voice over.
I let you know.
contact me on emiliano.lule@gmail.com for offline consults.