Blind Gladiator


Description of App

Become a gladiator, fight numerous opponents, get the public's favor with your deeds proving your value and conquer your freedom!

Game description

Welcome to Blind Gladiator, warrior! Are you ready to prove your strength and become the best gladiator of all time? Take on the best warriors that the Roman Empire has to offer, from every corner of the world! Choose your weapon and fight to the death! Can you win your freedom back?

Game elements

Choose your favorite class and prepare to fight numerous enemies. Defeat champions from all cities to win your freedom in the arena of Rome before the Emperor! Visit specialized locksmiths to buy new, sensational equipment and become stronger and stronger! Meanwhile, recover from your wounds at the inn in between fights.
5 tournaments
more than 40 sets of equipment
individual duels and much more await you on Blind Gladiator.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

Very accessible and user friendly.

VoiceOver Performance

Not applicable for this app.

Button Labeling

Not applicable for this app.


The app is fully accessible without the use of VoiceOver


2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Christel john 8 years 3 months ago



By Diego Garibay on Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 00:50

When you go in to buy weapons for shields applications off working completely sometimes. This does not happen every time but I assume it will be fixed.

By Igna Triay on Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 00:50

The game also crashes if you enter the armor smith's shop, you cant buy armor, and also when you buy a weapon. I hope this gets fixed. For now, m the only shop that seems to be working properly is the shield shop. Hope that this gets fixed.

By tunmi13 on Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 00:50

This app sounds so awesome I wish it was free. :(

By StarNoble on Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 00:50

Unfortunately, the current version of Blind gladiator, version 1.1.1, is not playable. They are wrong that the bugs have been fixed. They are not fixed. As a matter of fact, because of the bugs it is currently not playable. In a not shell, what happens is this. When you go into the dual arena, and you fight, even if you manage to win, it still says you have zero coins. Also, the mechanism used to determine when you hate your enemy and they hate you doesn't appear to be entirely accurate either. There were times when I get my enemy, when it said we both only had one below left or something, and it still said they won. So it is very hard to win a fight. So, because you can't get any coins, you cannot read any of your armor, weapons, or shields, or anything else for that matter, I would strongly suggest against playing this game. At least until the bugs get fixed. Had I have known that it is not playable I would not have gotten it. For clarification, I am running at this on an iPhone SE running iOS 10.1.1, the latest version of iOS at the time of this posting. I hope someone sees this soon.

By Khalfan Bin Dhaher on Saturday, December 24, 2016 - 00:50

I've been playing Blind Gladiator since 3 weeks now and I'd like to share my thoughts with other blind gamers here.
First, this developer has been designing audio games since the past 4 years now and all of his audio games are expensive and costly. Personally, I don't like the approach of this developer because his target is to deliver audio games that are completely audio based with no video or real gaming experience.
All audio games I've downloaded by other developers have different game elements, a settings screen and other different game options. On the main menu of this game, gamers cannot adjust the game volume, game controls, turn music on or off and go through other game settings. This game does not support different gameplay mode such as navigating using gyro or swipe mode based on the user's preference. Overall, the game is not worth the price if the developer is not willing to add extra features to make the game playable and valuable for all gamers. 15$ is too much for a such audio game full of bugs.
Finally, developers should consider on making all of their games accessible and playable by everyone even if they were not designed specifically for the blind. I'll put my money on an app such as Super Mario Run rather than putting my money on a game designed only for blind gamers.

By David Standen on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 00:50

I tried the ios version of this game earlier today and I am truly disappointed. I personally find tilting the device whilst trying to defend yourself difficult. I also have the Mac version and I strongly believe this game is more suited for Windows and Mac.

By tunmi13 on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 00:50

Its not just suited for Mac and Windows unless instead of tilting, there's swiping.
For example, AudioDefence had options to use the gyroscope, swipe, or tilt. They should have that for Blind Gladiator. Not a good idea to just completely remove Blind Gladiator from the app store and say that it is not suited for iOS, recommend it to the developers.

By David Standen on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 00:50

I *never* suggested that this game should be removed from the IOS app store. I was respectfully stating my opinion. I agree we should have been given a choice as to how we defend ourselves in this game. For example, tapping the right end of the screen could have been implemented to avoid attacks from the left side and tapping the left end of the screen to avoid attacks from the right side. As of yet, I haven't been able to complete a single fight.

By Toonhead on Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - 00:50

Was thinking of possibly purchasing this game, but I can't see how this developer is justifying the cost of these games with so many bugs. I know it's probably only a 1 or 2 guy operation, but any developer worth his/her salt has beta testers who finds these problems and gets rid of them. So, i'll sit this one out.