When you are in a whats app conversation try navigating to the voice message button, turn off speech by double tapping with 3 fingers, then double tap and hold the voice message button to start recording. When you are done recording your message lift up your finger to stop recording and send the message, then turn on speech by double tapping with 3 fingers. Hope this helps.
I am on an iPhone 5S running the latest build of iOS and I believe the latest whatsapp. Not sure what is happening for those posting here, but I just did a double tap and hold, it recorded my message, and when I released the button it sent my message. Nothing different or working incorrectly, though I thought I'd see since I've not used the app in quite some time.
I don't how to work around this
I didn't finded a way to work around this. When i recording a voice message Whatsapp interapt it. It heppands all the time. Verry annoyng.
When you are in a whats app…
When you are in a whats app conversation try navigating to the voice message button, turn off speech by double tapping with 3 fingers, then double tap and hold the voice message button to start recording. When you are done recording your message lift up your finger to stop recording and send the message, then turn on speech by double tapping with 3 fingers. Hope this helps.
Tried that.
Hi Fatima. Tried your work around. Doesn't seem to work on my phone. Thanks for your help though.
works here
I am on an iPhone 5S running the latest build of iOS and I believe the latest whatsapp. Not sure what is happening for those posting here, but I just did a double tap and hold, it recorded my message, and when I released the button it sent my message. Nothing different or working incorrectly, though I thought I'd see since I've not used the app in quite some time.
No problems here
No problems for me I have a 6S.