Talking Type‪r‬


Description of App

Talking Typer finally makes its way to iOS. Help students make typing progress with this fun-to-use self-voicing app!

Talking Typer
An accessible typing and computer keyboard tutorial app with a keyboard game to help increase speed and accuracy in a fun environment!
Learn to type or improve your skills with drills, practice lessons, keyboard explorer, and an entertaining game. It is designed for blind and visually impaired students, but can be used by sighted students too. This makes it a great tool for the whole class. Works with iOS® devices running iOS 8 or later.

35 Built-in Lessons
Talking TyperTM for iOS devices comes with 35 built-in lessons at levels 1-10. Teachers and parents can create new lessons, edit lessons, and assign lessons to individual students or groups. Speed, accuracy, and typing level can also be set for individual students or groups. The app saves the results of each drill allowing students, teachers, and parents to monitor improvement.

Hurry Scurry Game
The app also includes the exciting game Hurry Scurry, where students earn points by typing letters before the ball drops. It’s fun for all ages and skill levels!

Self-Voicing and Apple® VoiceOver Accessible
The app is both self-voicing and accessible with Apple’s VoiceOver. The onboard keyboard of your device can be used with Talking Typer, but an external keyboard is recommended.
The app can also be used with a refreshable braille display, like APH’s Refreshabraille 18TM Bluetooth®-enabled device, making it accessible for students who are deafblind as well.

Recommended ages: All.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

As mentioned in the description it was designed with VoiceOver in mind. Everything appears to be very accessible and easy to use. A must for learning to use the keyboard.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



5 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by gallagher123123 2 years 9 months ago



By Fatima.Hamoud10 on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 19:51

I was hoping that Talking Typer for iOS would be free. Maybe it will be free in the next update? I really wanted to try out the app. Is there a promo code?

By gallagher123123 on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 19:51

Honestly, the cost of the app is very afordible. As of now, it's $4.99, which is a very reasonable price in my opinion.

By Mani on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 19:51

I wish it was available for the Mac. I hope the developer would consider the same app for the Mac.

By John W. hess on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 19:51

Have they fixed the bug where capital letters can't be typed? If your working in sentences or capitals when you press the shift key and the correct letttter it registers as wrong. i reported this in the beginning of the software but haven't seen a fix yet.

By Toonhead on Saturday, April 29, 2017 - 19:51

Yes, the app is worth the money! Not every single app in the world can be free, y'all. Save back a few bucks and buy it if it's of interest to you. You might have one less trip to McDonalds or some stuff at 7/11 for a snack, but the skills you learn, or can improve upon are worth it.

By turner42 on Saturday, December 29, 2018 - 19:51

iOS 12.1.1, Ap version 1.7.
Having just gotten this app for work for teaching clients using a bluetooth keyboard, I discovered that it does not speak the punctuation needed to get a perfect score. It is not obvious all the time if a comma is being used, or if something is starting out as a quote, etc. As someone who is totally blind, this is very frustrating. i have written APH and hope they can change this. I've tried all punctuation settings with VoiceOver, but since the app is self voicing, that doesn't help. You cannot disable the app's speech.

By Ekaj on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 19:51

So glad this is now available for iOS. I tried it out in Windows and it was a lot of fun. I think there might've been a version of this for the AppleII that worked with Textalker. I think I remember using it back then too. But anyways...I've got enough left on my iTunes gift card that is currently registered so will definitely be getting this one. Additionally, I think a sister of mine could use it too and perhaps work on it with her tutor. Very affordable imho as well.

By Khushi on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 19:51

yeah, me too. I still remember playing hurry scurry game on my laptop and did enjoied it. I no-longer have its setup for windows so can't play. I hoped it would be free so I could play and practice typing on my IPhone's keyboard to make it more faster.

By Ekaj on Monday, July 29, 2019 - 19:51

Just got this app and created a personal account. I did a practice drill and got 96%. I made one mistake on purpose just to hear the sound. But I like this app so far. It could come in very handy for people. As a matter of fact, I'm going to tell a sister and her tutor about it. This sister is also a VoiceOver user and recently got an iPhone. Very good!