Description of App
Blindfold Sea Battle is an fully accessible audio game, inspired by the game Battleship, designed for for rapid audio play.
You play against the computer; the first player to sinks all of the other player's ships wins the game.
You first place your ships on a 10 by 10 grid, and then the computer places it's ships. Players as alternate turns, firing missiles attempting to sink each other's ships.
Like other Blindfold Games, you move around the grid by swiping up and down, left and right. And there are gestures to hear how many of your ships the computer has sunk, and to hear where you hit each of the computer's ships.
You can adjust the skill of the computer, so the game remains challenging as you get better and better. When you win the game, you can post your score to Twitter or Facebook.
Some TVIs use Blindfold Sea Battle for teaching grid concepts to blind children.
The game comes with coins; you need one coin to play. More coins are available as an in-app upgrade.
Great game
This is a great game with awesome sounds. Would it be possible to add the ability to have ships placed automatically on the game board?
I second that question.
It would be nice to have an option to place ships automatically.
Autoplacing of ships
That will be in the next version.