Amazon Prime Video


Description of App

U.S. App Store description:

Stream and download popular movies and TV shows including Amazon exclusives like The Grand Tour, The Man in the High Castle, and Emmy award winner Tumble Leaf.

Customers in the US can also use this app to watch videos purchased or rented on Amazon, and videos included with a subscription paid for on Amazon such as HBO, SHOWTIME and STARZ.

App features:
-Download movies and TV shows over Wi-Fi or cellular to watch anywhere, anytime.
-Prime members in India can enjoy hundreds of top Bollywood and regional Indian hits like Sultan, Baar Baar Dekho, Kabali, Dhoom series and more!
-View IMDB data about the actors, songs and trivia related to your videos during playback with X-Ray.
-Stream the first episode of select TV shows for free. First Episode Free videos include advertising before and during your videos.
-Watch on your Apple TV using AirPlay (requires Apple TV 2nd generation or later) (US only).
-Access hundreds of thousands of movies and TV episodes you bought or rented including new release movies or the latest TV programming, with the ability to download titles for offline viewing (US only).
-Watch on your TV using HDMI and your Apple Digital AV Adapter.
-Add videos to Your Watchlist from any Amazon Prime Video compatible device for later viewing.
-Start watching the next episode of the show you are currently streaming automatically with Auto Play.

This app is designed for an unmodified version of iOS.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

09 July 2023:
With app version 10.001.10934.5, the developer appears to be rolling out a new interface which includes some accessibility regressions. I am experiencing significant delays when navigating the home screen with VO, navigation by headings appears to be broken, and some information is not being read by VO when swiping through lists of videos.

As of 9 June 2017, it is now possible to watch and listen to audio described movies and TV through this app. Note that I am testing this in the US using the English language, and I'm not sure if this works outside the US or in other languages. To enable audio description within a supported video, do the following:

  1. Start playing an Amazon video that supports audio description.

  2. If the playback controls are hidden, reveal them by performing a one finger double-tap anywhere on the screen.

  3. On the playback control screen, double-tap the button labeled "Audio and Subtitles options." This will pause the video and open a screen containing available choices. Swiping through these choices is a bit confusing at first, as the item order is a bit wonky. Locate the item labeled "English (Audio Description) and double-tap to select it, then double-tap the Close button to return to your video and you should now hear the audio description.

A listing of audio described content can be found at the following site:

*** Other accessibility notes:

The folks at Amazon continue to do a nice job of making this app accessible to VO users. As of version 4.5 I find all parts of the app to be VO accessible.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads most page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


There are some accessibility issues with this app, but it can still be used if you are willing to tolerate these issues and learn how to work around them.

Developer's Twitter Username



2 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by Bryan Jones 3 years 2 months ago



By Kerri on Friday, December 28, 2012 - 13:19

Like the Amazon Cloud Player app, this is surprisingly accessible. Everything's labeled and for the most part the interface is easy to navigate. I was especially impressed with the video player, and the option to play your video from wherever you paused it or start over again. There's a lot on the home screen and it'd be nice if things were a bit clearer over there, but other than that it's not bad for such a new app. I know there's been a lot of deserved backlash against Amazon lately, but I think it's also important to remember what a large company it is. Clearly some of their app developers are doing something right. Let's encourage them to do more.
I've had a Prime membership for nearly a year but have not been able to access the instant video on my Mac and all I had was an iPhone. Thanks to this entry, I tried the app today and watched a Steve Jobs interview. How fitting? The interface is slightly clunky but it worked and a two finger double tap pauses and plays the video. This might be able to be changed in settings, but when I locked my screen the video was paused and it was hard to get it back. I'm gonna check out the settings to see if I can stop this. I'm so so so happy about this app! I don't know anything about renting since if I rent I do it on iTunes. I'm just excited to take advantage of all the free content. Thanks for posting this and thanks Amazon! I'm not angry at Amazon, not in the slightest. It's not like they have a monopoly on the devices we can read books on. Let the sightlings enjoy their Kindle. I'll use my iPhone. ;)

By Jen on Thursday, February 28, 2013 - 13:19

This app makes me so happy. I never could watch movies on my PC without sighted assistance, and that really cut down the value of having an Amazon Prime membership. This app appears to be fully accessible, and I'm pleasantly surprised that I can easily watch videos now.

By Bryan Jones on Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 13:19

The folks at Amazon seem to have fixed the few VoiceOver accessibility issues that previously existed in this app:
1. The main section of the Home screen is now accessible and does not cause VO to chatter while in focus.
2. The reviews and IMDB references are now accessible when viewing the details of a video.

What's new in version 2.8?
• From the home screen you can now quickly resume watching videos you’ve recently started.
• Quickly find what you’ve already searched for with the new search history feature.
• Accessibility improvements.
• Bug Fixes and stability improvements.

By AnonyMouse on Thursday, August 28, 2014 - 13:19

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Hello Bryan,

Thanks for the heads up on some of the improvements they have made to the app!

You have down that some of the elements are still missing along with some buttons are not labeled.

If that is not the case. Please do update the page. We would all love to see if they have made it fully accessible! If not, I am really glad they are making stride to make it more accessible. I am for one glad they are trying to make improvements and they will hopefully continue to do so!

However, since they still continue to have missing elements and unlabeled buttons. I'm afraid we can't consider this as being fully accessible. So here is for one that this will be resolved in future releases!


By Kelly on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 - 13:19

What's New in Version 2.9.3

iOS 8 playback improvements

By Bryan Jones on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

The folks at Amazon have steadily improved the accessibility of this app, and as of version 2.9.5 it seems to be fully accessible and easy to use with VO.

What's new in version 2.9.5?

• Improved support for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus screen sizes
• Bug fixes and stability improvements

By Matthew C on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

I am having problems figuring out how to stream the free library of tv shows using an amazon prime trial account. I do see where it says to download episodes from the site but nothing about streaming. Am I just missing something? Thanks for any help.

By Bryan Jones on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

Following is one way to find and stream a TV show using the Amazon Instant Video IOS app.

. This assumes the User is logged into the Amazon Instant Video App version 3.9.5 in the U.S. with an Amazon ID with a valid Prime membership on a compatible IOS device running IOS 8.1.2 with an Internet connection of sufficient speed and reliability. YMMV.

1. In the Amazon Instant Video app, double-tap the Home tab.

2. Double-tap the Browse button.

3. Navigate to the heading labeled, "Prime TV Shows."

4. Under the Prime TV Shows heading, select a desired category, for example "Editor's Picks," and double-tap the selected category to open it.

5. Navigate to a desired sub-category, such as "British Invasion," and double-tap to open the selected sub-category.

6. Navigate to a desired TV series and season, such as "Doctor Who, Season 1," and double tap to open it.

7. Navigate to a desired episode, and double-tap the Play button to start the stream.


By Matthew C on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

Thanks for that Bryan. I guess the only shows that you can watch will be there? I was hoping to watch the flash but don't see it there. Thanks again for the help.

By Bryan Jones on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

Hello Matthew -- Did you try a search? When I choose "search" instead of "browse" and search for the term "the flash" I get a long list of results, including two series with that name, neither of which are listed as prime eligible.

By Matthew C on Sunday, December 28, 2014 - 13:19

Yes that must be it. I guess it is not eligible. There were two. The Flash 2014 and classic. Thanks again for the help. It still looks like a cool service.

By Bryan Jones on Monday, December 28, 2015 - 13:19

Most parts of the app still seem to be accessible with VO, including browsing and searching for videos and controlling playback, but as noted in the accessibility comments section, I did encounter a couple of things VO could not announce.

The app has been renamed to "Amazon Video" from "Amazon Instant Video."

From the App Store notes:
What's New in Version 3.3

-Prime members: now stream the subscriptions you signed up for on Amazon, including SHOWTIME, STARZ, and more

-We’ve redesigned our app to make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for

-With X-Ray you’re one tap away from IMDB information on actors, songs, and trivia as you watch videos

-Can’t wait to watch the next episode of your favorite TV show? With Auto Play, when the current episode you’re watching ends, the next episode automatically plays

-3D touch quick actions let you access your favorite features faster and in fewer steps (only available on iPhone 6s and 6s Plus)

-Multitask while you watch videos with Picture in Picture and Slide Over (on supported devices)

-This version of the app adds support for iPad Pro

By Bryan Jones on Thursday, April 28, 2016 - 13:19

In version 3.5, the playback controls have regressed a bit in terms of VO accessibility. In previous app versions, a VO User could focus on any playback control and then easily swipe left or right to move between all of the controls. In version 3.5, VO focus remains locked on a single playback control and the only option to locate and activate other controls is via the hunt-and-peck method. For reference, the playback controls are located as follows. This assumes the device is in landscape orientation, home button to the right.
- Exit button: Top left corner. Labeled "BackCaret."
- Video title: Top center.
- Airplay button: Top center-right.
- Audio and Closed Captions options button: Top right corner.
- Play button: Dead center.
- Rewind ten seconds button: Just left of Play.
- Fast Forward ten seconds button: Just right of Play.
- Time elapsed / Time remaining counter: Bottom left.
- Time slider: Stretches from bottom left to bottom right.

The following two accessibility issues existed in the previous app version and have not been fixed in 3.5:

2. Items in the new add-on subscriptions section of the home screen are announced by VO as simply "button, image." This could be a problem if the user hopes to view content on one of the subscription services now being offered by Amazon.

3. The body text of movie reviews does not seem to be accessible to VO.

By Bryan Jones on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - 13:19

Parental controls have been added, and these are accessible, if a bit awkward to navigate and set using VO. The playback controls are again navigable via one finger flick, and the content of movie reviews are now read by VO. There are still a couple of unlabeled or mislabeled buttons. More details in the "Accessibility comments" section above.

By Jeff on Wednesday, December 28, 2016 - 13:19

Can the Amazon Video app be installed on the latest gen of Apple TV? If not, is there a work-around? Please explain.

By Bryan Jones on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 - 13:19

Amazon has made audio description available in a number of movies and TV shows, and these can be accessed through this app. See the "accessibility comments" section above for further details.

By treky fan on Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 13:19

Hi all, my neighbor was able to help me set up amazon prime video. I'm using the latest version of Ios, and found an issue that is seriously annoying. According to my neighbor, there are tabs along the bottom of the screen that allow you to get to things such as your watch list, your video library, etc. However, when I tried to navigate to my watch list after adding a tv show, voiceover crashed, but the app remained in focus. Is anybody else having this issue with amazon prime vieo under Ios 11, and if so, how can I fix it?

By Roxann Pollard on Saturday, October 28, 2017 - 13:19

I've been using Amazon Prime for a while now so I'm familiar with the interface. I just checked and it appears that accessibility has been broken. The ohnly suggestion I have, besides waiting for the next update, is to utilize the search button to pull down the movie or TV show you are interested in watching.


By Stacy on Friday, September 28, 2018 - 13:19

Are you using Amazon prime video with Apple TV? If so, why does voice over automatically go to full volume and speak more slowly than it is set? This also happens for the YouTube app on Apple TV all other apps respect the customize VoiceOver settings but Amazon Prime Video and YouTube seem to default to the highest volume and slower speaking rate… Anybody know how to fix this?

By Andrew90 on Wednesday, August 28, 2019 - 13:19

Just wondering, can you tell Amazon to turn on audio description for a particular show and that sitting is remembered across other shows and movies like it is with Netflix every new show that has audio description will start automatically playing the audio described track on Amazon prime?

By Rafal on Friday, April 28, 2023 - 13:19

I'm testing prime video and it's no problem to play and pause video, magic tap works fine. I have a problem to rewind the vido and see with VO time elapsed and remaining. Do you have any suggestions how to handle this? Thanks in advance.

By tripolice on Friday, April 28, 2023 - 13:19

Pause the video with magic tap, then double tap on the video area to bring out the Controls. There you should find the options you are looking for, such as the buttons to rewind/forward by a minute, and the slider as well. Hth.

By Rafal on Friday, April 28, 2023 - 13:19

Thanks for hint, I do appreciate that.

By Misty Dawn on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 13:19

I used to be able to find the things I had saved to my watchlist on Prime Video by going to a My Stuff tab at the bottom of the app. However, that option is no longer there for me. So, how do I do this now?

By Michael on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 13:19

With this revamp of the layout, I find the app completely unusable. Before, you use to be able to navigate by headings to get to the different sections. Now, this is no longer possible. In addition, I find the app to be extremely laggy and this is running on an iPhone 14 pro max. Finally, getting to the continue watching section is hit and miss. Is anyone else having similar issues with this new layout?

By Bryan Jones on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 13:19

Hi Misty Dawn, Here are the steps I used to successfully view my watchlist under the new interface.

  1. Launch the Prime Video app.
  2. Select my profile.
  3. Double-tap the button labeled "my profile name active."
  4. I am presented with the Settings, Watchlist, and Purchases buttons.
  5. I select the Watchlist button and am presented with a list of the 70 videos languishing in my watchlist.


  • App name: Prime Video for iPhone
  • App version: 10.001.10934.5
  • App Store region: U.S.
  • Device: iPhone 11
  • OS version: iOS 16.5.1.

By tripolice on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 13:19

Yes, there is no heading navigation in the revamped design. The way to navigate, which is definitely not ideal for Voiceover use, involves exploring the screen by moving one finger downward from the top. As the focus lands on a particular section, e.g., continue watching or recommended movies, start swiping right from there to hear the different title under that section. I have registered the issue from the feedback section long back.

By Pilgrim Pete on Friday, July 28, 2023 - 13:19

Browsing this app has been majorly broken for several months.

When you flick through titles in the watch next section, VoiceOver doesn't read the movie or show names.

For other sections, there is a carousel of movies or shows below the section name. If you navigate the screen by flicking, VoiceOver focus jumps completely over the carousels. You can locate them by touch, but if you then flick right focus moves out of the carousel instead of moving to the next movie or show in the carousel. Sighted eyes tell me that when you flick, the carousel scrolls super fast.

Unsurprisingly, Amazon has shown no urgency in resolving this behavior.

By Fenrir on Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 13:19

Hi! How would I resume watching something? There’s continue watching, but it seems to be inconsistent with VO. Any workarounds?