Discussion of the Weber iGrill app

By KE7ZUM, 4 January, 2017

iOS and iPadOS

Hello to all. What is the iGrill app's name, and how do I use the device itself? I got an iGrill for my birthday and want to know how to use it.

Thanks much.



By Chip on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 - 16:14

With the latest update, this app is accessible again. I would encourage those who use it to let Weber know Voiceover users appreciate this and encourage them to keep us in mind when updating the app in the future.

By Justin on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 - 16:14

I've got an iGrill, forget which version of the iGrill i've got now, but it's real simple. The only thing is the buttons. There are three buttons, the left, power, and plus or right button. If you press and hold the middle button, which feels like touch buttons, but aren't, you'll hear a long beep. That means the grill is turned on and is connecting with the app via Bluetooth. Then you plug in the probe wire into one of the four probe ports on the front of the unit. You then have to figure out which one of them is connected by pressing the left (minus) or right button (plus) buttons. Once you figure that, it'll say in the app for instance, probe 1 80 deg F. You then have to select what you're cooking. FOr instance, beef. When it is in the various meat choices, it'll say for another example beef, medium and give the temperature it should be cooked to, which is something like 150 degrees or so. It'll have the various choices for beef, poultry, pork, etc and there various temps. select what you want to cook, put the probe in the meat, and place item on the grill. In my case, I'm using a pit boss pellet grill. close the lid and let er cook.
Note: I haven't used the thing in half a year, due to the cold temps we've been getting in the midwest, and this is probably not current, so take note of this. I've probably got it right, but am not 100% sure on this. The thing works well for the thicker cuts of meat, but for thinner burgers and such, it's better in my opinion to go by feel.

By Seanoevil on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 16:14

Hi All,

My trusty Maverick Meat Thermometer didn't survive the great Easter Cook-off, so I am on the hunt for a replacement.
An Aussie online store has a sale on the iGrill 2.0, which expires in two days - the sale not the thermometer :).. Whilst this is undoubtedly great news for my wallet, it is slightly inopportune as it precludes me from getting any hands on experience with the device and checking VO compatibility for myself.

There are plenty of reviews on the Web indicating that the iGrill does play nice with VO, but sadly they are mostly more than a year old.

Before I lay down my hard-earned $$ for this device, can anyone on this forum confirm that the iGrill 2.0 by Weber remains VO friendly?

Appreciate your help.


By Justin on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 16:14

Hmm, I haven't used it in like over a year and a half, but the last time I used it worked fine. i now am using an instant read talking thermometer I bought on amazon. It works surprisingly quick and it's very simple. If you want something cheap and simple to use, look on amazon for talking instant read meat thermometer. It can also be used for liquids apparently. I haven't touched the iGrill Ii for a long time, and really don't plan on using it unless I have to.

By Seanoevil on Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 16:14

A quick thanks to Justin and Chip for your replies.
Though I am yet to test it IRL (curse you Wet Season for ruining my BBQ!), limited testing on the couch shows that all aspects of the App are accessible.


By Caleb on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 16:14

G’day all. sorry to jump in on someone else’s thread but I have just bought a Kamado and I’m looking to get a Vo accessible barbecue thermometer. according to your guys thread, the Igrill from webber works with voice-over but according to the tech support guy I spoke to via email at Webber it doesn’t??? just wondering if someone can confirm that the app still works before I go and buy one. I would rather have the opinion of actual blind people Who are currently using the device than someone at a company who may not know what voice-over is . cheers in advance

By Daniel P on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 16:14

In reply to by Caleb

Hello Caleb!

I am using the Weber iGrill app together with an iDevices Kitchen Thermometer very often to brew my green tea with optimal temperature! Actually Weber purchased iDevices some years ago and just re-labelled the iDevices app into Weber iGrill. I can confirm that the app works very well with Voiceover, and did so for at least 5 years or so, so you can buy the thermometer without any concerns.

Kind regards from Daniel!

By Caleb on Saturday, December 14, 2019 - 16:14

Thank you for your response Daniel that helps greatly cheers

By JeffG99 on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 - 16:14

I do a lot of roasting in my oven. So I need a thermometer where the probe wire can have the oven door closed on it. Can the iGrill allow that?

When I bought my iDevices (now Weber) thermometer a few years ago I found out that some of them were indeed oven-proofed. However, I don't remember which ones exactly. But it could be found in their technical specifications.