By Cliff, 19 December, 2012
iOS and iPadOS
I figured I'd ask this question now that the voiceover-bug that causes it to loose fokus and jump to the top of the page is beating the heck out of me! ;)
A good example is going through the comments-section of the Facebook-app here on the applevis-site. It has a lot of comments, and on my iPhone it is shown on 26 pages. So when I want to go the last post, I'll do the the three-finger scroll forever, and if the VO then loses fokus on page 19 and jumps back to page 1, that is to say it in a kind way frustrating...
So is there a way to scroll more efficient, or is it a way to easily jump to the last page? Maybe this is elimentary knowledge of VO usage and I've just missed it, but I can't seem to figure out a way of doing this...
It's truly difficult to
So do you mean that I should
Four Finger Single Tap
I like the idea of doing a
I just attempted to do a
Thanks all :)
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