Get a sneak peak at Huboodle beta release!

By AppA11y, 7 November, 2018

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Want to get a sneak peak at the latest version of Huboodle (soon to be renamed Game World)? Click the link below to test out the latest beta version with a new look, social features and streamlined navigation. First 50 people get access!



By Tarja on Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 08:16

Thank you. I like it very much.

By Kristen on Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 08:16

I'm going to see if I can check this out, but I'm wondering if you're going to (or maybe already have) released an Android version of Huboodle?

I personally don't use Android, but my sighted mother does and she enjoys playing games with me from afar. We're having fun with Dice World, at least, but we miss doing Hangman, etc., ever since Hanging With Friends shut down and Huboodle has some nice options for more vareity.

Thanks! Love your games.

By AppA11y on Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 08:16

In reply to by Kristen

An Android version has always been on the roadmap, but still not sure when it will happen. Hopefully sometime in 2019. Will keep you posted.

-AppA11y Team

By Hannes on Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 08:16

Hi as soon as I try to play word bolder the app crashes usually after selecting one of the levels to play.