

Description of App

Best. Barcode. Reader. Ever! Scan UPC / EAN codes and hear the names of over 37 million products! Make your own QR code labels on the Digit-Eyes website and print them on inexpensive address labels. These barcoded labels may contain text that VoiceOver reads aloud or they can be used to record audio on your iPhone or iPad that is played back whenever the bar code is scanned. Blind? Dyslexic? Having problems reading? Digit-Eyes is for you! With Digit-Eyes, you can - Record your own labels. Visit the Digit-Eyes web site to print specially coded quick-response (QR) digital code labels, apply one to your calendar or a box of leftovers, scan, and record a message. To listen to the recording, just rescan the label. This is how Nancy keeps track of her appointments; how Jeanette labels her canning and how Randy keeps the fridge clean. - Make text-based labels. Visit the Digit-Eyes web site to type up to 250 characters per label, print the specially coded quick-response (QR) barcodes on address labels on your local printer and apply them to your file folders or CDs. To listen to the text, scan it with the Digit-Eyes application on any iPhone or iPad. This is how Will’s secretary labels his folders and how Ana snoops through her friends’ CD collection. - Buy pre-printed washable labels. Sew them into your clothing and record whatever you want to about the garment: color, fabric care or what it should be worn with. Even when the labels have been washed, bleached, sent through the dryer or dry-cleaned, you’ll still be able to scan them with the Digit-Eyes app on your iPhone or iPad and hear what you recorded about the garment. This is how Davey makes sure he is wearing matching clothing and how Elizabeth can easily sort the laundry. - Use the manufacturer's product code to find out what the item is. Digit-Eyes includes a feature that enables you to identify many groceries, CDs, and other consumer goods by scanning the UPC and EAN codes on the products. Just point the camera of your iPhone, Pad or iPod Touch 5g at a package label, scan the code, and wait for Digit-Eyes to call our database and tell you what the item is. This is how Deborah picks out her yarn, how Kevin finds the beef stew, and how both get ready to record their audio labels. - Read standard inventory tags in code 39 or code 128 format. This is how Michael knows which printer is which at work and how Ben does the shelf stocking in his store. - Print labels directly from your iPhone on your Bluetooth-connected printer; - Create and read QR vCard format business card information and add the content to your contacts. This is how Digital Miracles gets information from customers at conferences and how we share our own contact information; - Create lists of code that you've scanned; edit them, type additional information and share them with others. This is how Robbie notes what items are getting used up and tells Gary what to buy at the store; - Use Digit-Eyes with any blue-tooth connected laser scanner, integrated as a single unit. This is how John is able to work at a grocery store reading the shelf tags to find where to stock the product. Use of the free Digit-Eyes website comes with the product. The website contains extensive tutorial material designed for users of the iPhone and iPad who are not sighted. The product purchase also includes free online support and tutoring. Digit-Eyes is available in English, Danish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish. Digit-Eyes www.Digit-Eyes.com The solution is in your hands.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is developed from the ground up to be fully accessible to blind users by way of Apple's built-in VoiceOver screen reader. The company's founder, Nancy Miracle, demonstrates a high level of understanding about blindness and the needs and wants of blind people.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver and is easy to navigate and use.

Developer's Twitter Username



9 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by DPinWI 3 years 11 months ago



By mazebr on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 - 09:11

Created for visually impaired users, navigation is highly accessible with hints available for beginner iPhone users. Advanced users can turn hints off in the iPhone accessibility settings.

By Jayson Smith on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:11

My dad just bought this app. He's having trouble finding barcodes on products. He's tried a few cans as well as a Hamburger Helper box. He got two cans to scan once, but doesn't know what he did. Where are barcodes typically located? Anyone have any other hints/tips/suggestions? This is on a 4S. Thanks.

By Sandra on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:11

In reply to by Jayson Smith

For info on how to find bar codes see http://www.digit-eyes.com/cgi-bin/digiteyes.fcgi?action=scanningTips

By Jayson Smith on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:11

My dad ordered their pack of pre-printed labels nearly two weeks ago, paying via Paypal. As of this moment he still has not received them. He sent in a question using their Contact Us form earlier this week asking what the status was. So far, he's heard absolutely nothing from the company. Has anyone else had this experience, or have any suggestions? Failing that, do you have any recommendations for labels I can buy and print myself using their website? Thanks!

By DPinWI on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:11

In reply to by Jayson Smith

I had a similar delay. I called the number on the website, and got a prompt call back from Nancy Miracle, the head of the company. She was great, and got my labels out quickly.Give her a call and she will get this sorted out.

By Sean Terry on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 09:11

In reply to by DPinWI

I thought that Digit Eyes was going to be updated to be able to tell you not only the name of an item, but, the tracks on a cd, or the instructions and recipe on a box of food. This was said like in July of last year. or even earlier. What in the world is going on with that?
Hello, I recently purchased the digit-eyes app back around christmas, when it was briefly dropped in price. I've had absolutely no luck locating bar codes on products so I can find out what items are, even with sighted help around. I tried scanning a bag of chips, cans of sodas, and things like that, with sighted people around. They pointed the camera at the code, and we tried using the hints with the digit-eyes website, but so far there was absolutely no progress. I thought that it was just me, I was pointing the camera in the wrong direction. I tried and tried to find bar codes on products but there was just no success at all. With some one sighted there, I thought they could give me tips on how to locate bar codes, and even with her help, the app just wouldn't work. The other day, my husband bought some candy from the store. He bought two different kinds of snickers and wanted to know which one he was about to open. I laid the candy flat on the counter, and tried some of the camera tips that they recommended. I tried it close up, from a distance, and turning the bar numerous times to get a result and after a few minutes I just couldn't get anything. I finally just joked with my husband and told him to take a bite of the candy and he'd find out much faster. Anyway, I really admire those who created this app, but the app just isn't working. Keep up the great work and hopefully there can be more improvements. We must always hope for positive things to come. That's why I've just resigned to know that until there is more work on the app, I won't be able to use it. This has, however, made me more cautious at what apps I purchase from the app store. I usually either browse the applevis site, or ask other blind friends before I just go out forking out the money. I'm sure the app is great when put to use, and if I could better my use of it, I'd love it. I do know that the cameras work on my IPhone 4 because we were using them on skype, and taking pictures of different things... so the camera does work. I even tried turning on lights in my house to get better results. I'm just not sure which way to go next. Alright then, everyone have a lovely day. Take care. Melissa Roe

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Melissa Roe

I highly recommend the Vis-Wiz if you are trying to identify a food product and such. First, of all. It's free. The results are very accurate. However, it won't do the audio clip on a barcode. Just something to think and try. Vis-Wiz is a no brainer. Just take a picture of the product no worry to find that pesty barcode. I've also had better results on barcode with the real-time scanning with Oh Moby which is also free. No alighing it nor taking a picture. Just wave the phone around and it will find for you. Just several options for you.

By David Goodwin on Sunday, April 29, 2012 - 09:11

Digit-Eyes have just announced some major changes to this app:

Many of our users have asked for more data about products - content, preparation instructions, etc.

We are delighted to announce several changes in Digit-Eyes:

a) After a successful scan, Digit-Eyes will now display the extended information about the product. Depending on what the manufacturer discloses, this may include ingredients, preparation instructions and more.  Furthermore, you still have the ability to search Google with a single click or to access price comparison engines with one click.

b) The product can now be purchased as separate elements.   If you only want to read code 3-of-9 inventory labels, the cost is just $1.99.  If you want to create and record audio labels (washable or printed), the cost is $9.99.  If you want just the UPC / EAN feature, that is $9.99 as well.

c) The price of the entire product suite is reduced to $19.99 for all features.

If you already own the product, the upgrade to include extended information is free.

We've also added the ability to use the "shake" gesture to start and stop recording and added an option to fast forward through a recording.

Is this useful?  Not all of the 26 million items in the database have extended information, but many do and the database grows daily!

Using the “more information” feature to scan our favorite object in the lab pool (a can of spam), we were able to find that the Spam is supposed to be cut into six slices.  Each slice has 180 calories, 140 of which are from fat.  The instructions from the folks at Hormel, however, seem a little incomplete.   Their preparation instructions recommend frying the Spam, but don’t say at what point in the process you should contact your cardiologist.  At any rate, it is nice that you can now find all this out with a single click after scanning with Digit-Eyes.

I don't use the app myself, so I will be very interested to hear what others think of these changes. So, if you are a Digit-Eyes user, please add a comment letting us know what you think.

I was sold on buying the iPod Touch 4g after hearing nancy Miracle demonstrate Digit-Eyes. I preordered the iPod and I bought the app back when it was 30 bucks. I don't regret being an early adopter because I have gotten so much use out of it. For me, it was the "killer app" that made buying the iPod justifiable. Since then, I've added many other apps to my arsenal, but Digit Eyes still gets lots of use. I tried the new feature today. I scanned a box, and quickly got the name of the product, and then full cooking instructions and ingredients. I know not everything will be in the database, but it hit a home run on the first attempt. I don't record my own labels much. I have a sheet of QR codes, but the crappy iPod Touch camera works inconsistently with them. Not the app's fault. For things I'd like to label, I now have Looktel Recognizer. For pre-labeled stuff, I use Digit Eyes. So i can't comment on the new playback features. Thanks Nancy. A great app just got better.

By Nancy Miracle on Sunday, April 29, 2012 - 09:11

In reply to by Melissa Roe

Hi Melissa, We'd like to work with you on this -- the problems you are reporting aren't usual. I know you must have purchased this a while back because the holiday special was for December, 2010 - January 2011. However, even if it was purchased a while back, it is still eligible for an upgrade. If you'd like to have some help, could you please accept the free upgrade and then drop us a line at [email protected] ? Thanks Nancy Miracle

By DPinWI on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

I was scanning a bunch of stuff in my pantry this afternoon. At one point, I thought, "Did I just hit the wrong button?" I went on with my scanning. Once you get the hang of where the codes are likely to be, and what angles and distances work best, it's fast. Anyway, I got a nice email a while later asking why I'd suggested deleting a product from the database. Ooops. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I really find this product useful, and I am constantly impressed by the people behind it.

By JP on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

I bought the Digit Eyes app about a week and a half ago and have had mixed results. I live in Canada and have found that about 80% of the items I have scanned are not recognized. Items I would have thought would be recognized, such as a can of tuna, and a box of Honey Nut Cheerios aren't recognized. It has become frustrating to the point that I just use Viz Wiz. And I have yet to get any extended information on any of the items that were recognized. I haven't tried the other functions yet and hope I will have better luck there.

By Smoses on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

This is one of my most frequent used apps. Thank you, Nancy! I can not only read the products and cooking instructions, but I can find out the dietary info and medical info for the drugs. This is awesome! It really is a "Miracle". This app has changed my life.

By Dustin on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

I'd love some help finding bar codes, and scanning stuff. Can someone help???

By Sandra on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

Dustin, did you have a look at the Digit-Eyes website? They have an excelent section on how to find barcodes on products. If that doesn't help, write to them or call them, I understand they do give support over the phone or Skype.

By otrlibrary on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

This is a solid app with better than average results. There are some tricks and "gotchas", but not bad. I have found that for cans and bottles laying them on their sides on a table and holding the phone about 9 inches above the item then turning the item a quarter turn after each click usually finds the code. Now and then I find a code that indicates it is not in the database. For example a half gallon of a national branded jug of milk. A second scan however correctly found it. I scanned a frozen dinner and it reported it was soap. I again scanned a second time and it came up right. I guess the word is if the results seem strange try again. For the price even at $20.00 it is worth it for the database and instructions.

By Richard Godfre… on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 - 09:11

This is really brillient. Be sure to read the tips on the developer's site on scanning labels and how the cameras work.

By Greg Lopez on Friday, June 29, 2012 - 09:11

It seems that if you access the Digit-Eyes website as I write this, something quite bad has happened to the server, as I've gotten a message about the site being reconstructed. All scans I've tried come back as null, as if the database is gone. For something I've just paid about $20 for, I wonder if I may have just wasted the money since the back end that made the magic happen seems to have met a premature demise... Hopefully this is fixed soon, as this app would be quite handy if it works again. *Sad trombone*
Digit-Eyes sent out an email in the past few days saying that the server was going to be offline for 24 hours whilst they carried out maintenance.

By AnonyMouse on Friday, June 29, 2012 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by David Goodwin

Yes, that is correct. They are in the process of doing a server upgrade and will be out until later this evening. No panic! I'm sure it will be up as they promised and things will be running better than ever!

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, June 29, 2012 - 09:11

In reply to by Richard Godfre…

This is (of course) back up -- just wanted to make sure that people know. And, if you've noticed, it is even faster than it was since the upgrade!

By Ro on Monday, October 29, 2012 - 09:11

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I heard about this app well before I had an iPhone but forgot about it after getting my phone. (iPhone 4) Today I remembered it and read what AppleVis said about it and was sold. I have spent the day with the app. At first I struggled but with practice I've gotten really good at scanning. The trick for me was remembering where the camera is and making sure it's pointed at the product. My Otterbox case helps with that since I can easily feel the camera cutout. I also mastered not moving phone and/or product until I hear the scan noise. Click, move, click, move. It only takes a few adjustments now and I get my scan. I am thrilled to be able to identify old cleaning products under my sink without doing a smell test and I had completely forgotten I had a box of Dill Triscuits! I am so very happy! I don't have a printer so I doubt I'll be making labels, but the UPC scanning has been incredible and freeing. I love it!
I don't have a printer either. I ordered pre-printed labels from Digit Eyes' website. It takes a little bit of practice to get my iPod Touch 4's camera to recognize them consistently, but that's not the app's fault. If you are looking to create your own labels, this might be a solution to check out.
I saw mention of the labels here in earlier comments and considered it, though I'm not really sure what I'd label. I might pick some up though because I'm sure they could come in handy.

By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

What's New in Version 1.3

The audio feedback that tells you that a code is nearby has been improved. You can now record audio content for all types of labels: UPC, code 128 or code 3 of 9.

By AnonyMouse on Tuesday, January 29, 2013 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
What's New in Version 1.3.1

This version of the Digit-Eyes software can read business cards in the v-card format.



By Steve Holmes on Friday, March 1, 2013 - 09:11

In reply to by AnonyMouse

I have been trying to use Digit-Eyes on my iPad Mini for some time now and have had only one successful scan of a package. WTF? Does this app not work on an iPad? So far I am very disappointed with this app.

By Deborah Armstrong on Friday, March 1, 2013 - 09:11

I am completely happy with this app. I use an iPOD Touch 4G. Because I also have a Metrologic USB bar code scanner, I was comfortable with the process of finding bar codes. Yes, it takes practice, and you have to think logically. I believe the people who report having trouble aren't holding their iDevice still long enough. Consider, to explore an object tactilly, you must move your hands around. You cannot for example read Braille effectively without your hand moving across the line of dots. But to take a stable snapshot, the iDevice must remain still for a second while capturing and storing the pic. This is unintuitive for a Braille reader, who knows to keep a finger positioned on a cell without movement is to reduce, and not increase recognition. Here's what I did for example in Walmart while shopping for yarn: 1) Connect to the local MacDonald's wi-fi, check the "I agree box and tap Continue.. Use safari to surf to a quick-loading site like Braille.wunderground.com to verify the iPOD was connected. 2) Take a blank file card from my purse and remove a skein of yarn from the store shelf. Mark its place on the shelf by placing the notecard there. 3) Put my back to the shelf so I'm facing the ceiling light. Position the skein of yarn on my left palm flat so the light is shining down on it. 4) Double-tap the Scan button on the Digit-Eyes screen. 5) Taking the iPOD in my right hand, hold it flat so its screen faces the ceiling and the right corner with the camera lens points down at the yarn in my left hand. 6. Rotate the skein so the seam of its label is pointed at the camera. Position the iPOD about 7 inches above the skein. 7) Rotate the skein in tiny increments. Each time Digit-Eyes clicks, I rotate a bit and stop. I wait for another click, then try again. 8) I also try moving the iPOD back and forwards, or left and right just a bit, but keep it in the same flat plane with its camera pointed directly at the skein. Each time the sequence is click, move pause and wait for next click. It's very important to avoid constantly moving the camera around. 9) After the label is identified, I record an audio note about my impressions of the yarn (feels kind of scratchy) for example. If I actually buy the yarn, I'll change my audio label to indicate I purchased it. 10) Replace the skein, and put the file card I used to mark its place in my purse. If I want to return to that place on the shelf, I can mark it with a post-it note Putting Braille on these notes lets other customers know what I'm up to. Yesterday, I even overheard a lady explaining in Spanish to someone that the notes help my dog find the yarn I like. I try to go back and collect all my notes, but if I forget it's no big deal.
I don't know about other iDevices, but the iPOD camera doesn't work with the screen curtain on. I confirmed this with a quick FaceTime call to my sighted Mom, who assures me that I disappear when I turn the screen curtain on. Could it be that those who fail to find bar codes forgot to disable the screen curtain? The first day I got my Metrologic scanner, I couldn't find bar codes either. And it's a bit easier to use than Digit-Eyes because it has awider angle of view. But I wanted to post here because I've had success with the app, feel it's well worth the $19.95 that I paid, and want to be sure of its continued existance, as taking a laser scanner shopping is quite impractical!

By Nancy Miracle on Friday, March 1, 2013 - 09:11

Very interesting! And possibly more complicated than is immediately obvious. I tried to replicate this problem -- turned the screen curtain on using my iPod (the new one) and then scanned. It seemed to work fine although the screen curtain was active. I then used the option to send a scanned image to support while I had the screen curtain on, figuring that this would be a test of whether the camera was on or not. And an image was sent. So I'm not clear what the cause would be of the problem you are describing, but from what I can see, it may be other than an interference issue between the screen curtain and back camera on the iPod. Perhaps there is a difference between the two cameras? We use the back camera for scanning and I think you'd be using the front camera for talking with someone I don't know much about how the front camera works or how it interacts with the screen curtain -- perhaps that is an issue and the screen curtain cuts it off? But it does not appear to cut off the back camera.
I find the new sonar like sounds very helpful too. I also use a Touch 4, and the beeps help me home in on codes. It's a matter of practice and patience. One vendor recently changed the location of their barcode, and the beeps helped me realize it wasn't where I expected it.

By AnonyMouse on Friday, March 1, 2013 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Minor new update. Now contains an option to retrieve vCard information from an QR Code. Plus, the new Search ability on the UPC Code.
What's New in Version 1.3.11


This version of the Digit-Eyes software reads QR codes that contain vCard information and gives you the option to add the vCard information to your contacts.
Additionally, when a UPC / EAN code is scanned and not found, you can use the "web search" button to try and find the code on the Internet.

By Saqib on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 09:11

Hi. I've just purchased this app here in the UK and I can't get it to tell me any information about the product even after I hear the vibrating bleep. After a few moments! I'm just given an option to do a web search or record lable. I've tried six different products and it's not picking any of them up successfully. Before I scan the package! I look to see where the barcode is as this saves time scanning around the package but for some reason! This app won't give me positive results after each barcode is detected. I was sold on listening to the podcast which was done a while ago. I'm sort of kicking myself now. I should of left it alone. However I will say that on some occations! The flash light doesn't come on when scanning. I'm running IOS7 on a iPhone 5.

By Eileen on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 - 09:11

Disappointed with this app. I thought maybe my iphone case was the problem but even after switching cases and having much improved succcss with red laser bar code scanner, the digitoyes app still cannot find the products that I buy from Walmart and Shopright.

By AnonyMouse on Wednesday, January 29, 2014 - 09:11

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
What's New in Version 2.0 This version of the Digit-Eyes software has a completely new and simplified user interface design. New features include the ability to create lists, to add the items you have scanned to lists; add text of your own to lists and to share the lists with other people. You can now print labels from your iPhone, iPad or iPod on your printer. In addition to reading QR code, UPC/EAN codes and codes 3 of 9 and code 128, it now reads the shelf tag format used by Kroger stores, the fastest growing and largest grocery chain in the US. The new version also features integral laser scanner support to allow you to easily use your bluetooth-connected laser scanner with your iPhone, iPod or iPad.

By Sarah on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

Trying to find a good app to identify things. Only thing that seems to work is VizWiz but it can be slow. Heard a lot about this product but never bought because didn't really wan a spend $20. Went to the app store tonight and saw it was only $9.99. Didn't seem like a bad deal and heard a lot about it. I have tried scanning several things and can't get any bar codes found. Tried reading website with no luck. I got two bar codes somehow but said not found on a box of zip lock baggies and a container of mints. Kind of sad to waste a lot of money that I didn't really have at the moment. Any suggestions? Right now I"m using IPhone 4s. Getting new IPhone hopefully next week, and have newest IPod but don't want to use. Thanks and take care.

Scanning with Digit Eyes is a skill that takes a little time and patience. The app does its best to help with the sonar sounds as it gets a bead on a bar code, but trial and error is still necessary.

I use an antiquated iPod 4, with a less than good camera, and I can scan stuff, so it is possible.

I find that different things take different approaches. First is to have a general idea of where a barcode will be. On cans, it's usually near the label seam. On boxes, it's often on the bottom, or on the bottom right corner of the back panel. I start there. I find that moving the object closer and further from the camera is as important as moving the object laterally. I move slowly, and methodically. Once I hear that sonar start to ping, I can home in on where the barcode is.

As for items not found. Digit Eyes has a huge database. On he odd occasion I have had a not found result from something I assumed to be mainstream, I scanned it again and got the correct result. If what you're scanning is a rare item, it is possible to have it added to the database so it can be recognized in the future, and by others.

By alex wallis on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

the problem I have found with digiteyes is that I am in the UK and to date I have only had it identify two or three food items correctly for me, one being packet microwave rice and I am not sure what the others were. when the rice was identified there were no cooking instructions available, which was fine because I new how to cook it, but still I do think UK coverage is poor as I have scanned a lot of ready meals with this app and found nothing. I find tap tap see is much better for identifying those kind of food items. Hopefully tap tap see combined with the use of KNFB reader will prove much more useful for me.

By Sarah on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

Thanks for the help. Any more is appreciated. Off-topic but what is knob reader? Hear about it all the time but don't know what it is. I think my problem is I just don't know where bar codes are. I did get one thing to scan and it found the item but it took like 10 minutes and then again 10 minutes the second time. So if I could find where the codes are that might help. I might try with a sighted person. I am told digit-eyes can help you, but I don't know how they can help you without seeing you scanning. I was really hoping this app was my answer because all the apps that used to work good don't anymore. Thanks, Sarah

By alex wallis on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

Lol, KNFB reader or knob reader as ios likes to correct the spelling is an OCR app for scanning and recognising printed text that is coming out in a matter of weeks. The app is specifically designed for the blind unlike most other apps of its kind. Although some mainstream apps do try to help taking a picture if your blind they don't work well as accessibility is an after thought rather than the goal.

By Nancy Miracle on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

The Digit-Eyes database engine is smart and it learns from failures. So when an item is not found, that causes our search engines to go and see if we can find a data source for that code. And if we do, then all codes from that site are added. This is because people often buy many things from a single shop. And if you've scanned one item of a type, it is very likely that you will scan more.

This is one of the ways that we try to make sure we have the information our customers need.

Thus, if you are scanning something and it is not found, it is extremely helpful if you can use the feature to add information if you have any idea what the item is (even just "cookies" or "CD") if you don't know the flavor or the exact content. That helps our data curator zone in on the information so we have it for you next time you scan.

The information you enter, incidentally, is saved and will come up for you automatically. So even if we don't have the item in the database, you can get it there by adding it.

The information we have about items comes from what the maker or seller listed on the Internet. We've got some fancy algorithms that continue to search items and improve the listings, but the bottom line is that the data comes from what is disclosed about the item. And this can vary a lot. In the UK, for instance, Tesco does a great job publishing information and, as a result, we have good coverage of their items. Sainsbury's, on the other hand, makes their information very difficult to obtain. So if you shop at Tesco, you'll find more instructions and ingredients information than if you shop at Sainsbury's

By Voracious P. Brain on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

The advertising is not exaggerating. This the the kind of $10 app that starts to make the $650 phone worth the outlay, at least for those of us who remember what stand-alone assistive devices used to cost. I stayed away from it when it came out because of the lack of a free preview, then-higher price, and availability of free alternatives. OMoby has apparently been harpooned now, but both it and other similar apps were always cumbersome in some usability aspects. I should have purchased Digit-Eyes even then, however. Audio feedback tells you when the app is looking, alerts let you know when the code starts to come into view so you can hone in on it, and you can add your own labels for the rare codes that aren't in the database (or add physical labels to things without them). The first time I ran the app, I successfully identified three products in three minutes, including one lumpy sauce pouch. I keep things like Tap Tap See on the phone as well, but for groceries, I don't want it to say "red labeled can," I want it to keep looking until it gives the complete information I need. So, both kinds of tools belong in the kit.

By KE7ZUM on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

No it always has been slow. the dev said i just takes practice but beeing that she's partually sighted, yeah she probably has never tested this with shades.

By Nancy Miracle on Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:11

Actually, that would be incorrect -- we test with shades and also the the screen curtain on as a matter of course.

However, your point is interesting about the scanning speed. We are using an algorithm that can recognize a bar code on any orientation because it seems unreasonable to expect someone who is not sighted to line up a code in a box. But it is slower than the algorithms that can only recognize on the horizontal and vertical axis.

We'll have to take a look at the relative speed and the tradeoff of recognition v alignment.

But do give us credit for being good enough engineers to do a reasonable job of testing.

By Voracious P. Brain on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 09:11

After the above comments, I became curious and installed Red Laser, which I had tried once before on a much earlier version without any success at all. However, yeah, it does work very well and very fast. I also like the way that app shows the (online) price. Other aspects of the interface remain annoying to me--the rest of the screen trying to sell me stuff, etc. But it certainly gets the job one on cans/jars. A couple of points in Digit-Eyes' favor: the "you're getting warm" sound is very helpful on an item where one doesn't already have a good idea where the barcode will be. Cans are easy, for instance (to the left of the seam, near the bottom), but sometimes I don't know if it's right-side up, or where it will be on a box. The Dev's note on orientation also seems valid. Maybe a user preference or on-screen button to turn the orientation correction algorithm on or off to provide the option of speeding it up on the fly?

By jrjolley (not verified) on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 09:11

In reply to by Voracious P. Brain

I think Digit-eyes is a great app for the money, I still think the standalone solutions are slightly better but they do cost lots more. It depends on what you need I suppose.

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 09:11

Hello all. Nancy, first of all, you do get credit for testing in shades and with the curtain on. Second, my only problem is not being able to be patient and wait long enough. That being said, I went through my cabinets to find some herbs and spices to add to the beef stew i'm tossing together next week. I know, be afraid. :) Anyway I tested spice jars with both apps, and some digit found, others laser found and a couple neither did. Is there a way someone could put up a short demo fo the ping sounds that say hey, you're almost there, no left, right, just because I've heard them, but it would be helpful to have a quick tutorial on what is a close scan versus the obvious, you got it! result. I know podcasts are up, but I was thiking a quick thing on the website might help? If the scanning were sped up that would be ok, but i think I understandwhy it does take long.

Have to agree with this, would be nice to see the developers put up a demonstration themselves. I found the app really difficult to use in the early going but it's got better over the couple of years I owned it. Mind you, the cameras have, started on the 3GS so that'll be part of the reasons for the improvements

By Siobhan on Wednesday, October 29, 2014 - 09:11

Hi again. Glad a few of you want the tutorial as much as me. I have a metro logic scaner from www.atguys.com and I love it. Only down side is the nonportability if that's a word, it is now. That seems to find barcodes very fast but i'm curious is it because the field of view is so much larger? Think about it, you have a fingertip size camera, or a window of I'm not good with estimation of distance, two or three inches? I like both solutions and if the app is improved, I don't know how much better it can get other then the database's continued updates which is a given. Btw, the totorial I mentioned assumes you know somewhat of where a barcode can be found though my personal hangup is bags of things, chips and the like. I think so much time is explained on thepodcasts of why it is so important that I don't feel the appis just put out there. It's great we need it, it's great it was developed, but I'd like to see, here's what it is, quick explanation, right into the app. My own oppinion as i said the longer podcasts are there for a reason, I would like a more in dept here's how this works demo.