iOS Writing app with markdown Formatting Capability

By Maldalain, 12 May, 2019

iOS and iPadOS

Hi all
I purchased VoiceDream Writer and it seems that the app is not doing what I am expecting it to do. I set the formatting using the markdown syntax detailed in the help manual, when exporting the text to Word document on PC and Mac the formatting is not preserved. However, when I preview the text on my iPad the formatting is flawless. Not to mention the poor markdown syntax; bulleting, italics, bold, numbered lists are not enough.
So I am in search for another app that should support VO and it has above average formatting markdown.
Thanks all



By Michael Feir on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 17:22

I prefer one called Ulysses. Nobody has ever complained about what I've exported from it. If, like many people, you shrink from the thought of payng a subscription to support continued development of an app, there are lots of other options. Two which seem quite workable to me are Byword and iA Writer. Scrivener also seemed promising but for some reason, didn't seem to let me enter an apostrophe or comma. Stil, it seems to be very popular and accessible so it could be something I haven't figured out. Another one caled Bear seems to be more about notes and full documents from what I can tell. I trust you've already looked at the Pages word processor from Apple. Hope you're able to find a writing app which satisfies your requirements.

By Greg Wocher on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 17:22

Another app you can try is called ia writer. It is one that a lot of mainstream sites recommend and it is fully accessible. Also if you do a search for markdown here on applevis, you should find some other apps as well.

Greg WOcher

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 - 17:22

Hi! I use an app called Drafts 5. It's free. I know it does markdown. Mainly, I use it 4 those times when I need to write somejhing down quickly. Because I open the app, and bam a knew document is created automatically! It's on AppleVis. I highqly suggest you try it.

By Lysette Chaproniere on Friday, June 7, 2019 - 17:22

Here’s a blog post I wrote about writing apps back in 2017, which also got a lot of great comments: I’m not aware of anything in that article that’s significantly out of date, except that the link to Drafts will take you to the old version, so if you want to try that app, I suggest using the link Dawn provided rather than the one in that article.

I hope you find that helpful and let me know if you have any questions.

By sockhopsinger on Friday, June 7, 2019 - 17:22

I am very unfamiliar with markdown. I too am looking for an app to do this, so I'm glad this post popped up. I am guessing that Microsoft Word cannot do this

By Zoe Victoria on Thursday, November 7, 2019 - 17:22

In reply to by Michael Feir

I've heard that you can export to markdown with Scrivener, but can you write in markdown on it too? I haven't found a way to do this so I usually import documents into it via a MD app.