Backgammon with Buddies


Description of App

Backgammon with Buddies lets you play backgammon with your friends whether they’re nearby or far away. You can open the app and play on your phone or tablet, just as you would with a board. It’s also possible to play with your friends through the Messages app, by sending the board back and forth after every turn. If you don’t know the rules, the app also contains a small guide to help you get started. Backgammon with Buddies also supports a wide range of accessibility features, such as Dynamic Type, reduced transparency, VoiceOver and custom rotors. This means that you can play Backgammon with all your buddies, not just those who can see or touch the board. — Features • Beautifully designed board with rich wood textures and felt lining • An integrated Messages app experience to play with far away friends • Highly accessible with VoiceOver and Dynamic Type • A lightweight app that respects your privacy



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support


Device(s) App Was Tested On


iOS Version


Accessibility Comments

This app is meant to be completely accessible, but it does come with a few quirks one should be aware of. But the developer is open to suggestions and listens to feedback if things are wrong.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads all page elements.

Button Labeling

All buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is fully accessible with VoiceOver, but the interface could be easier to navigate and use.

Other Comments

The developer went out of its way to make this app the first fully accessible Backgammon Game in the App Store.
Playing it does take a bit getting used to. If you‘re playing this one with VoiceOver, you‘ll want to practice the rotor gesture, as it gives quick access to many things.
Currently, VoiceOver sometimes reports wrong field numbers when offering moves. For example: If your Checker is on Point 24 and you are allowed to move it by three, VoiceOver may offer to move the checker to 4-points, while actually meaning 21-point. It‘s like VoiceOver is counting the fields the wrong way around. The actual move is then performed correctly.
Also know that in this version, as far as I know, you don‘t play against a computer opponent. You either find a buddy to play, handing your device back and forth, or you invite someone using iMessage. Please note that iMessage Games are initiated in the „Messages“ app rather than the game; currently, the developer has not yet added instructions saying so to the app.
Oh! And it does not hurt knowing how to play Backgammon either. :-)

Developer's Twitter Username



1 people have recommended this app

Most recently recommended by René Jaun 5 years 9 months ago



By MamaPeach45 on Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 10:11

I purchased this app and am very disappointed. I have spent a long time trying to figure out how to play this game. I don't see any way to play this through iMessage. The only choices that are given when you open the app is to read the game instructions, start a new game or continue an existing game. There are no other options given. If the person who posted this as being totally accessible would give more information about how to actually invite someone to play through iMessage, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, I would have to disagree about this being totally accessible and it was a waste of $2.99. I had someone sighted look at the app and they can't figure out how to invite someone to play through iMessage either.

By René Jaun on Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 10:11

This indeed could be described a bit more clearly. But no, the missing instruction does absolutely not make this app less accessible. All iMessage Apps work just as follows. You may not yet have used one I guess.
Here‘s what you do:
1) open the Messages app on your i-device (yes, you DO NOT START in the game itself).
2) From the recipient list, pick the person you‘d like to play with.
3) Now focus on the Text Field for a new message. Then, flick once to the left. Because right on the LEFT of the edit fielt, you should find a button called „Message Apps“ (or similar). Double-tap this one.
4) A list of Message Apps should appear. Unless you‘ve already deleted Backgammon, it should be in that list. Double-tap it.
5) Backgammon now asks you to either play as White or Brown. Choose whatever you desire.
6) Follow the instructions.

I hope this helped and I could calm your frustration down somewhat.

By René Jaun on Saturday, June 29, 2019 - 10:11

Finding some more VoiceOver irregularities, I ended up lowering the overall rating for this app. I do realize that playing the game does require some getting used to.
I also added some more info in the „Other Comments“ section.

By Ramy on Sunday, December 29, 2019 - 10:11

I went to get the App but i found that it is payed, i do not have mind, but i need to be sure that i will use it, need your comments please

By Ramy on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 10:11

I got the app, seems promising. but i can not understand anything.
all things looks strange. although am a backgammon player here, but i can not understand the app