From the app store:
Start learning to code with Sololearn, the #1 app for learning programming on the go! Created by top educators and tech experts, Sololearn offers interactive lessons and hands-on practice in over 20 programming languages, including Python, JavaScript, SQL, Java, C#, and more. Join over 35 million learners worldwide building skills, advancing careers, and turning ideas into real-world solutions with Sololearn's community-driven, beginner-friendly courses. Ready to start your coding journey?
What You Get with Sololearn
When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon? When was Jon Stewart born? What space events happened around my birthday?
Free, fun Space365 lets you see what NASA events and quirky trivia facts happened each day of the year. Great for parties!
This edition of text to speech app is specially crafted for schools to make learning more productive and accessible, helping everyone to find his way to better grades and greater knowledge.
As described in the iTunes App Store:
SALE! $14.99
Magically Speak and Understand Different Languages within a matter of Seconds with 99% Speech Recognition Accuracy Powered by Nuance! Have you ever met a person you really like but due to the language barrier you wouldn't be able to start a chat? SpeechTrans is here to help you out! Now includes a Patent Pending FACEBOOK VOICE TRANSLATION CHAT. Speak in your native language and translation is read aloud on the other screen in any other language!
Turning mental math into a game
Made in Canada
Mental math is a skill everyone uses to quickly solve everyday operations. Whether it is adding up the prices for the items in your shopping cart or figuring out how to split slices of pizza between you and your friends, small and fast calculations are needed all the time.
However, acquiring good mental math skills can be long and boring.
No kid wants to sit around and memorize their times tables or do sheets of addition pages, so why not turn the whole thing into a game instead?
Story Dice is a creative tool to prompt ideas for plot, character, and setting. This idea generator can be used effectively for both written and oral storytelling.
This app can be used with a wide variety of age groups ranging from preschoolers to teenagers.
The user interface is simple enough for ages 3+ to use without any additional instruction. The use of the app does not require reading, so it is an ideal tool for using in a preschool story circle (see lesson plans) as well as a general writing prompt for all ages without reading or native language barriers.
Turn learning into a word puzzle in Study Snacks!
The idea is simple - you create a study list, like one for countries and their capital or English words and their translation into Spanish. Study Snacks will split these words into pieces and you have to put them back together. With multiple learning modes, splitting types, and a study plan, Study Snacks will help you to memorize that knowledge without ever feeling like learning.
Talking Typer finally makes its way to iOS. Help students make typing progress with this fun-to-use self-voicing app!
Talking Typer
An accessible typing and computer keyboard tutorial app with a keyboard game to help increase speed and accuracy in a fun environment!
Learn to type or improve your skills with drills, practice lessons, keyboard explorer, and an entertaining game. It is designed for blind and visually impaired students, but can be used by sighted students too. This makes it a great tool for the whole class. Works with iOS® devices running iOS 8 or later.
By Down-Shift Inc.
from itunes store:
We are dedicated to sharing world history, and personally significant "historical" information.
As soon as you open the application you are shown all the major events that happened on that day. Created for history, trivia, and knowledge lovers and also for fans of On This Day, This Day In, Today In pages.
Don't like Ads? Get the pro version.
TouchChat is a full-featured communication solution for individuals who have difficulty using their natural voice. TouchChat is designed for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, ALS, apraxia, stroke, or other conditions that affect a person's ability to use natural speech.
This version of TouchChat is bundled with the WordPower series of AAC vocabularies designed by Nancy Inman. WordPower is a word-based vocabulary that allows for easy and intuitive communication. WordPower with Phrases incorporates phrases for easier language generation.
Udemy is an online learning platform featuring 80,000+ video courses taught by expert instructors. Take courses in anything from programming languages like Python, and Java to personal development classes like design, drawing, writing and yoga. Join the more than 24 million students who are mastering new skills, advancing their careers, and exploring new hobbies on Udemy.
Visual Brailler is the simple braille editor. It’s a braille writer for your iPad, and it has a place in every braille transcriber’s toolbox. Use it for NLS certification exercises or to practice UEB. Show off your mastery of braille!
• 6-dot braille on-screen keyboard
• Support for any and all 6-dot braille codes
• An indefinite number of 40-cell braille lines
• Cut, copy, and paste braille manipulation
• Refreshable braille display input and output
• BRL (unformatted) and BRF (formatted) braille file export
The VO Lab training tutorial for VoiceOver is a fun way of learning VoiceOver. It’s an educational iPad game for young people, or the young at heart. In the different levels you follow the instructions of a strange professor in his chemistry laboratory, leading up to a fictional chemical experiment. The sound effects are really great and entertaining.
The app is interactive and engaging, which makes it quite different from any other VoiceOver tutorial.
The app is self-voicing, and extremely easy to navigate. The first page is fully VoiceOver accessible.
The first app to teach blind and low vision users to use the iPhone and iPad is now back with all new content!
VO Starter teaches new blind and visually impaired iOS users how to use their device with Apple's built in screen reader, VoiceOver.
Learning a new device can be challenging, and learning a new device and a new screen reader can take time and patience. VO Starter provides a step by step guide to learn to use the iPhone, while keeping lessons quick, and easy to learn.
With its uniquely effective word learning system, the app helps you master words through a fun and addictive game. And it’s powered by the world's smartest, fastest dictionary. From the makers of the award-winning website, this app will expand your vocabulary with lightning speed!
“A positively addictive app for aspiring wordsmiths.” —Fast Company
“ reveals the truth about your vocabulary skills and helps you improve.” —AppAdvice
“An addictive word-learning app... an approachable dictionary and quiz machine.” —TIME
Apple Design Award Winner! Voice Dream - Screen Reader lets you listen to PDFs, textbooks, Web pages, emails, and books using advanced AI Text To Speech!
Featured by Apple as Best New App and App of the Day in 81 countries. Voice Dream - Screen Reader is also part of App Store Permanent Collections in Education.
“Both experts recommend Voice Dream Reader as the best app in the text-to-speech space.” - Wired
Weave Chat is a free AAC app for people who have difficulty with spoken language or words. It is category based with dynamic display, synthetic voices, and custom boards.
Weave Chat AAC is a free, dynamic, and completely customizable AAC app that is available to a variety of devices.
Weave Chat AAC offers a large variety of verbs (green), pronouns (yellow), questions (purple), nouns (tan/orange), adjectives (blue), and conversational words (pink). All color choices were made based on the Fitzgerald Key and new vocabulary is added weekly.
YOUSICIAN - the fast, fun way to learn, play and master the piano, guitar, bass or ukulele. Enjoy thousands of songs on your REAL INSTRUMENT!
(supports acoustic and electric instruments)
Yousician is your personal music tutor for the digital age. Learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want. The app listens to you play and gives
instant feedback on your accuracy and timing. Our curriculum, designed by expert music teachers, will help musicians of all levels improve, from complete
beginners to professionals.