From the app store:
Universal access to the world’s best education.
With Coursera, education is free, open, online - and now mobile!
Coursera connects students, professionals, and lifelong learners everywhere with free online courses from over 100 top-tier global universities and institutions. Browse our catalog, join courses and watch lectures from the world’s best instructors anytime, anywhere. Learn anytime, anywhere–from computer science to cooking and beyond.
CuriosityStream is the world's first ad-free, on-demand streaming service for premium factual shows that enlighten, entertain and inspire.
Get the free app as part of your CuriosityStream membership and watch choice programming crafted by the world's top filmmakers. Dive deep into your favorite areas of science, technology, nature and history.
Are you Curious? Get a daily workout of lessons, puzzles, and Curios and grow your Curious Quotient (CQ)! Who knew exercising your brain could be this much fun?
“Curious has mastered making learning addictive.” -- PandoDaily
“A Netflix For Learning” -- Forbes
“Curious stands out from sites like Khan Academy, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, and by focusing on learning 'for learning’s sake.'” -- VentureBeat
“Curious Helps Hobbyists Share Their Skills” -- Mashable
The CViConnect Professional Edition provides a secure platform for educators to complete the instructional cycle; collect data, analyze data, make instructional decisions, plan, and reflect. Baseline data within CViConnect includes but is not limited to; Functional vision evaluation summary, Orientation and Mobility summary, and Learning Media Assessment summary. Additionally, by working along with Dr Christine Roman Lanzy, CViConnect Professional edition offers educators the ability to score and monitor growth over time using The CVI Range (with scoring criteria provided).
Explore math with the fast and powerful Desmos Graphing Calculator. Plot any equation, from lines and parabolas to derivatives and Fourier series. Add sliders to demonstrate function transformations, create tables to input and plot data, animate your graphs, and more—all for free.
Graphing: Plot polar, cartesian, or parametric graphs. There’s no limit to how many expressions you can graph at one time—and you don’t even need to enter expressions in y= form!
Dictionary for 51 language combinations, usable without an internet connection (offline dictionary). Vocabularies can be downloaded and updated within the app for free.
German-English dictionary: 920,000 translations
All dictionaries are bidirectional, so German-English doubles as English-German. Just type in your keyword in either language.
Paint tool with sounds.
When you draw, funny sounds will sound.
Children love it!
There is iPad version "Doodle Sounds for iPad" too.
Learn Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, and English. Totally fun. Totally free.
A simple audio game simulating visual disabilities. The player's task is to complete the scenario assumptions for each level.
EchoVis Game is a simple audio game aimed at the blind and visually impaired, among others. The main purpose of this game is to demonstrate one of the many ways in which smartphones can be used to develop the hearing skills of people with visual impairments. People without vision problems are also encouraged to try their hearing skills.
Welcome to the EchoVis Quiz game. We hope that it will help you improve your hearing sensitivity – and its effectiveness. It will increase your skills in the field of recognizing sound propagation in various environments, its reflections, distortions, and the knowledge of the echolocation phenomenon.
The main objectives of the game are:
• Improving the ability to use the hearing organ,
• Learning the skill of using echolocation,
• Providing entertainment through competing with other players – ranking.
A simple audio game simulating visual disabilities. The goal is to cross the crowded street safely listening to the sounds of passing cars.
EchoVis Street is a simple audio game, aimed for blind and visually impaired people. The main goal of this game is to present one of many possibilities of use the mobile devices to develop ability to use hearing skills by visually impaired people. We recommend sight persons also to try their skills in this area.
From iTunes App Store:
"Exoplanet" is a daily updated database of all discovered extrasolar planets.
Main features:
This is a free lite version which has a LIMIT of 4 decks and 6 cards per deck. The paid version does not have this restriction.
Flashcards Deluxe is an easy to use, yet powerful flashcard app which you can use to study just about anything you want. I use this app for my own Chinese
studies, and am constantly improving it to make it better for myself and others.
Learning piano has never been easier! Play your favorite songs and learn all there is to know about notes, chords, and the proper technique. Works with your real piano or keyboard, acoustic as well as electric. Ideal for beginners and advanced pianists.
Fractions are everywhere and the Fraction Calculator is designed to ease the task of working with fractions with its simple and intuitive calculator style interface.
The Fraction Calculator feels and behaves exactly like a calculator with one exception, you're working with fractions. So now when homework (checking of course) calls for fractions, or your carpentry project needs you to add eighths and sixteenths dozens of times, or maybe you just want to be able to recalculate that dinner recipe to accommodate for five rather than two – turn to the Fraction Calculator.
Classroom is a free service for schools, non-profits, and anyone with a personal Google account. Classroom makes it easy for learners and instructors to connect—inside and outside of schools. Classroom saves time and paper, and makes it easy to create classes, distribute assignments, communicate, and stay organized.
The award-winning Grammar Girl presents Grammar Pop: A fun word game for adults and a great way for kids to learn parts of speech. Match words with parts-of-speech
to pop clouds and progress from nouns and verbs to gerunds and participles.
The sentences get longer, the parts of speech get harder, and the timer gets shorter as you pop more clouds and advance through Grammar Pop. You won’t
even know you’re learning!