In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to enable audio descriptions for the TV app, as well as for videos on supported websites in Safari on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. Note that not all apps and websites that offer audio described content detect this setting, meaning you'll have to manually enable audio descriptions through the playback interfaces of such services.
In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to enable severe weather notifications on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS. With this feature enabled for a supported location, the weather app will notify you whenever the weather authority for that location has issued a severe weather alert, such as a storm watch or storm warning.
In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to encrypt an external disk on macOS for improved security of the disk's contents.
In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to get weather information in your Mac's menu bar, useful if you, for example, want to be able to quickly access such information but don't want to deal with widgets or the Weather app.
In this episode, Alex Hall shows us how to look up the definition of a word using Spotlight in macOS.
To do this, press Command-Space from anywhere in macOS to open Spotlight, and type the word you want defined. Then press Command-L, followed by Return, and a window with the definition of the word you searched for will be displayed.
In this episode, Crayton shows us how to move files and folders in Finder using the keyboard.
To do this, navigate to and select the file or folder you want to move, and choose Edit > Copy (or press Command-C.) Then, open the destination folder and press Command-Option-V to place it in that location.
In this quick tip, Chris Wright shows us how to permanently delete files and folders on macOS.
To do this, in Finder, navigate to and select the item you want to delete, and press Command-Option-Delete. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog, and the item will be deleted immediately, bypassing the Trash.
In this episode, Tyler demonstrates how to schedule an email to send later using the Mail app in macOS.
Have you ever needed to send an email but didn't want to interrupt someone's work or personal time? With the Send Later feature, you can schedule emails to be sent at a specific date and time, making sure your message arrives at the most appropriate moment.
In this podcast, Tyler Stephen shows us how to share folders in iCloud Drive on a Mac running macOS Catalina 10.15.4 or later.
More information on sharing folders with iCloud Drive is available on this Apple Support page.
With folder sharing in iCloud Drive, you can share entire folders of files with friends, family, or colleagues. Then, you can work together on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or
In this episode, Tyler demonstrates the VoiceOver Text Checker on macOS, a feature that identifies common errors in typed text such as misspellings, repeated spaces, and misplaced capital letters.
This feature can be accessed via Keyboard Commander, and by default is mapped to the letter D. When in a text field, pressing this command should present menus for the types of errors identified in the text, such as misspellings, white space, etc.
In the first episode of a series learning Logic Pro X for Mac, Ming introduces how to create a new project and audio for a Logic Pro X project. He also shows us some useful shortcuts to make the process easier and more efficient. These shortcuts include:
In the second episode of his series learning Logic Pro X for Mac, Ming introduces two main sections. In the first part, Ming explains why the Interface and Microphone are important in professional recording and music editing, and how the Interface works. Ming uses logic to demonstrate how to slice and dice regions, efficiently move regions to neighboring regions, and export and merge projects into different audio formats. These shortcuts include:
Command + B: Bounce your project
In the first of a series of podcasts intended to help new users of VoiceOver on the Mac, David Woodbridge shows us how to get VoiceOver running on any Mac laptop or desktop.
These demonstrations were recorded on a Mac running OS X Snow Leopard, but the procedure is still the same at the time of posting.
In the second of a series of podcasts intended to help new users of VoiceOver on the Mac, David Woodbridge shows us how to use the Keyboard Helper feature in OS X to familiarize yourself with the keyboard layout and functions.
These demonstrations were recorded on a Mac running OS X Snow Leopard, but the procedure is still the same at the time of posting.