In this month's edition of AppleVis Unleashed, Thomas Domville, Randy Rusnak, and Mike Malarsie discuss recent Apple news and other topics of interest. Topics featured in this podcast include:
- Announcing AppleVis 2.0: The Second Decade Edition
- Club AppleVis
- Apple Releases iOS 13.6 With Car Key, Toggle to Turn Off Automatic Update Downloads, Audio Apple News+ Stories and More
- Apple Previews New Emoji Coming in 2020 Like Ninja, Piñata, Bubble Tea, Dodo, Tamale and More
- First benchmarks surface for Apple's ARM-based Developer Transition Kit
- Apple announcing Q3 2020 earnings results on July 30
- What to expect from Apple's Q3 2020 earnings report on July 30
- Newest Apple Services Still Not Generating Revenue
- Rumor: New Apple app for Windows launching soon
- Most iPhone SE buyers are upgrading from iPhones at least 3 years old
- The iPhone SE 2020: A Review From A VoiceOver and Braille User's Perspective
- Seeking beta testers for bird song app
- Nicolas Eymerich - The Demon
- Bright Guide - messenger
- Twitter announces new API that opens more features to third-party apps
- Twitter Planning to Test Subscription Models This Year
- Twitter's massive hack: What we know after Apple, Biden, Obama, Musk, and others tweeted a bitcoin scam
You can contact the Unleashed Team with feedback or questions at [email protected]
Regarding In-Line Replies
Hi guys. Thanks again for yet another great episode. I wanted to comment on in-line replies, because my journal does this and others hosted on the platform do this. They do it well, and it works great with VoiceOver. Each time there is a reply specifically to someone, that is denoted and there is a way to collapse those in-line replies. I hope my explanation helps. To see this in action I guess you'd have to visit my site and join some of the communities on the platform. But anyway, I look forward to your next episode and of course to Apple's fall releases.