Zombies, Run! 5k Training

Description of App

Zombies, Run! 5k Training is an 8-week training program and audio adventure for beginners that’ll improve your fitness so you can run a 5km distance. We give you clear and detailed instructions about when to walk, jog, run and stretch, building up your confidence and stamina over 25 workouts - combined with a gripping story delivered straight to your headphones. (If you already have some running experience, check out our “Zombies, Run!” app with extra features including 30 more missions, ‘zombie chase’ interval training, a base-building game, time and distance audio notifications, and more!) Zombies, Run! 5k Training comes from the creators of Zombies, Run! (Six to Start & Naomi Alderman), the world’s most successful smartphone exercise game with over 175,000 players worldwide. Featured by the New York Times, BBC, Time, Wired, and Runner's World! WHAT PLAYERS SAY ABOUT ZOMBIES, RUN! “This app is amazing. It gets me wanting to go for a run, it’s not exercise anymore, it’s pure entertainment.” “Keeps me entertained and actually makes me want to stay out running longer. Love it!” “This app is a work of genius - I finally have a reason to run!! A PROFESSIONALLY DESIGNED 5K TRAINING PROGRAM Devised by Julia Jones and Shauna Reid of Up and Running e-courses, this 8-week, 25 workout training program combines awesome storytelling with expert training know-how. Using this app isn’t just good for you - it’s also amazingly exciting! GET FIT AND BECOME A HERO You’re Runner 5, a vital member of one of the last outposts of humanity at Abel Township. During 25 workouts, you’ll be trained to help find supplies and protect the town from the ever-encroaching horde of the shambling dead, in a story written by award-winning novelist Naomi Alderman. You’ll learn about the characters, and you’ll have a vital mission of your own to train for and complete. Once your training is complete, you’ll be in the perfect place to continue the story as the hero in “Zombies, Run!” PERFECT FOR BEGINNERS Everything about Zombies, Run! 5k Training is designed for beginner runners: clear and detailed workout instructions, a gentle learning curve, and importantly, we don’t make any zombies chase you until you’re ready! YOUR OWN MIX Choose your own custom music playlists before you start running: the story unfolds in during your tracks through a series of dynamic radio messages and voice recordings. VIEW YOUR RUNS ONLINE WITH ZOMBIELINK We integrate fully with our free online ZombieLink service, so you can check your running stats and view and share your maps online, all in a beautiful and easy-to-use interface! ALREADY PLAYED ZOMBIES, RUN!? Zombies, Run! 5k Training takes place between Mission 1 and Mission 2 of Season 1, so it’s a fantastic way to experience 24 all-new missions about how Runner 5 first trained up with Sam, Doctor Myers, and the rest of Abel Township to become a valued Runner. (But if you’re looking to find out what happens after Zombies, Run!’s epic cliffhanger, you’ll need to wait for Season 2...) NOTES - Requires iOS 5 or above. Works on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPod Touch 3rd gen and 4th gen. - Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. - Accelerometer mode can dramatically decrease battery life.



Free or Paid


Apple Watch Support

Not Known

Device(s) App Was Tested On


Accessibility Comments

doesn't seem to work at all with VoiceOver, the opening screen seems to be a tutorial or instructions and there are just no buttons for VoiceOver to access.

VoiceOver Performance

VoiceOver reads no page elements.

Button Labeling

No buttons are clearly labeled.


The app is totally inaccessible.

Other Comments

I only selected the button labeling because of the tutorial, I actually don't know how well things work past this.



By Chelsea on Monday, December 31, 2012 - 21:20

I haven't bought this up myself, but perhaps it's like the regular zombies run at where you need to kill me up before you can get out of the tutorial screen?
tried that, by exiting from the task switcher, it didn't help, I have contacted the developers so hopefully will get a reply soon.

By Aleco on Sunday, March 3, 2013 - 21:20

The screen when you first open the app is not a tutorial, rather some customized version of the same screen you see when you open the actual zombies, run app, which will explain why this screen never disappears. However, using my vission, I have discovered a workaround. when you first open the app, turn off VO and tap the bottom right corner of the screen twice. One time brings up some other screen, and the second time starts the work out. It is completely accessible from there. Using sighted assistance, I can now also use zombie link to track my runs. Upon launch, turn off VO and tap the bottom left corner of the screen once. That will bring up the settings dialog, which is accessible. Hope this helps, and happy running!
Has anyone tried the accessibility in the latest versions? What's New in Version 1.2.1 Fixed an issue causing the app to crash during Week 6, Workout 2.