Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

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Can anyone tell me if there are GoPro cameras that can be used by someone who is totally blind?

I am currently training my guide dog and would like to use a GoPro or similar camera to track our training sessions and progress.

Are there accessible action cams out there that i could control using my iPhone?

Thanks for any help.

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Hi guys,
So I received my iPhone 6S for Christmas today, but I have a few questions before I go get my sim card and plan tomorrow.
1. If you have or haven't noticed, this is my ultimately first time using an iPhone. What new features will I see stepping up from my years of iPad usage?
2. I've heard that iPhones have some sort of vibration pattern feature. What is that about?
3. And finally, a basic generic question: How can I make the best of this device?

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Hi everyone. Does anyone have any experience, good or bad, with any of the guitar-input products on the market? Would you recommend one, or steer clear of one? Do they all seem to be roughly comparable? I am posting my question in this forum because I'm asking about hardware. But I know that al of the gear for running a guitar into an iOS device will inevitably have an accompanying app that you don't necessarily have to use. Nevertheless, I'd be interested to hear about experiences with the companion apps. Thanks a bunch!
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The Jamstik Studio is a fully functional guitar with a built-in midi pickup!Believe it or not, I saw this product just over a year ago inside a Facebook add. I kept track of it and was able to purchase the Studio Midi guitar recently! I am posting this up at Apple Vis, as accessibility to the guitars settings comes to us as blind users through the Jamstik Portal iOS app.

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Hi everyone, hope you’re doing well. I have the latest generation iPad mini, I’m looking for a keyboard to use with it. I want the keyboard to be Bluetooth in about the size of oldschool Apple Bluetooth keyboards that used to have disposable batteries. Does anybody have any recommendations that would fit the bill? Thank you very much for your help everyone :-)

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Today I bought a Stylus to write on my iPad and iPhone. I find I get overall better results then I do when writing with my finger. When VO is turned on I realized that I cannot add spaces without doing a two-finger swipe to the right. Does anyone know a workaround for this? By the way, one still can't draw a question mark and have it inserted.

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Hi everyone. Recently my MyPassport external drive started taking a long time to be recognized by the system. I plug the drive into the port on the right side of my Mac, but it doesn't show up for quite awhile. I'm pretty sure the thing is still working since I hear it, and a couple weeks ago while at my parents' place I was able to play some music from my library. But the music kept skipping, so I immediately deleted some old backups from the drive. The trash took forever to empty, so I'm wondering what to do next.

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Hi everyone,

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I have a question about recording podcasts. I want to make podcasts that sound professional. On Applevis sometimes hear podcasts that are recorded with an external audio interface. Are there people that can give me tips about what type of interface they use as a blind person.
What I need:
- Possibility to connect 2 microphones.
- 3 or 4 inputs for transfering sound of iPhone or other devices.
- Easy way to control the volume of each input channel
- Connection over USB to my PC to make the recordings with Reaper or Audacity.

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I am thinking of getting my hands on a Yamaha P-255 portable digital piano. This instrument has an iOS app that can control its operation, but |I am not sure whether the app is VoiceOver compatible. Has anyone tried using this instrument or its associated iOS app, and if so, is the app accessible with VoiceOver?

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Hi. I just got my Airpods a little over a week ago and I'm loving them!!! I've tried using my bluetooth keyboard on my iPad while listening to my airpods and the AirPods wont stay connected for long when I start using my keyboard. I'm able to use my bluetooth speaker and keyboard at the same time. So I don't understannd why I can't with my Airpods. Has anyone been able to use both AirPods and a bluetooth keyboard at the same time?

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Hello Everyone,

Have any of you set up a Recap C call recording device?

I just got one as a birthday gift, and I seem to be having trouble getting the correct cables connected to the correct connectors.

I can make guesses, but the result so far is that I am able to record the audio from my iPhone, but my own voice is never heard in the recordings.

Any ideas would be appreciated.



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Hello. I was looking for ways to manage and decrease noise in loud places, and stumbled across a few different products that interested me, mainly the Nuheara IQ buds, and the Doplar Labs here one's. These devices have microphones in them, and either let in, or drown out, sound from the outside world. Both have iOS apps to access these functions. Has anyone tried either of these products? If so, how have your experiences been? Do they really make a difference in how much noise you hear? And are the iOS apps accessible.

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Hi all,
I’ve heard that the Airpods came out today, and am wondering if anyone has tried them yet with VoiceOver? Is the responsiveness better compared to other bluetooth headphones? I may consider getting a pair at some point. Very curious about them.

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hello! somebody has try this model of jbl that i posted in the subject?
if yes, how it does works with VoiceOver? there are lags or dilay using VoiceOver? thanks!

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has any one used the I pad air third generation with the first generation apple pencil

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As the subject says, my wife just got an iPhone 8 and was looking at the Runsy battery case, there is a version for all models. It's around $35 on amazon although there are 4 different listings at slightly different prices all by the same seller. What really is exciting is the model for 8 7 and 6 has a 5800MAH battery which is a heck of a lot of power. It also charges with a lightning cable so it would probably take forever. I also assume the way of fast charging with a USB C to lightning cable might damage the case.

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has any one used a set of wired ear pods that plug in to the charging port of there I pad?

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I know when they were originally introduced, there was talk on here about significant lag with the newest airPods pros. Has this since been fixed? I tried locating the original thread, but could not find it. Regards, Shawn

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hey all,
I'm having a bit of a moan so please feel free to pass this topic.
I'm going to upgrade to the new silicon mac hopefully soon and I thought it would be an idea to see how much my 2018 MacBook Pro 15 inch with core i9 processor would be worth with a trade in.
I was quite shocked to discover that the most they would give me is $721.