Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

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Every other time when I receive a phone call I can hear person on the other end for 2-3 seconds. Then the line goes silent: I can't hear anything and neither can I be heard. If I use iPhone without the headset, I move it away from ear to turn on loudspeaker and then move it back. In this case I can continue the conversation.
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When do people think the iPhone 9 will be announced? What do people think of it? What are you expecting or hoping to see in it?

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My sisther have an IPod 3, and she will give me. So, what accesibiliti options have for use it? sorry for my bad english!

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So the ipod classic is now the only apple device left that's completely inaccessible with no VoiceOver. Anyone have any insight as to why this is and if apple will ever change this? Its the ipod with the biggest memory capacity and to me seems simpler than the touch screen devices so surely wouldn't be any harder for them to add VoiceOver to... If they released one with VoiceOver support I'd be straight in there! Anyone has any knowledge on this that I'm missing I'd be very interested!
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Hi. I have a question for you.

Is posible to use a 160 gb iPod classic?
There are no voiceover, or nothing related to accesibility.
I need some advice please,
buy or not.
sorry for my english.

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Hi, I wish to report that I finally baut my iPod Nano 7th Generation (16GB) and so far, I'm totally enjoying it! it's similar to the iPod Nano 6th Generation (see differences below). It does include voiceover, mono audio, and of cource, Bluetooth! I have both my speaker and earphones (shado wireless) connected via bluetooth. Here are the differences:

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OK, guys, I am looking for a case for the iPod Touch 4G that is easily usable by the blind. First, a question: Are the dimensions of the iPhone (before the iPhone 5) the same as the dimensions of the iPod Touch 4G? And, if so, would a case that would work for the iPhone (before the iPhone 5) also work for the iPod Touch 4G?
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Hi, i'm probably in the wrong forum entirely, but I got an iPod touch a few days ago. It only came with a charging cable. Can I attach this to my iPhone plug or do I just have to use my computer to charge it?
Also are there any ways of saving battery life so it doesn't go down as quick?

Thanks x

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Hello from a newbie. :) I'm considering getting either an Ipod Touch or Ipad. I was thinking the touch as it's pretty darn portable (hard to get more portable than something you can stick in your pocket). I'd been thinking the Touch because I'd like an Ipod as an mp3 player, but would like the "smartphone"-like capabilities of the Touch, but without the phone and thus without the data plan. I was at Thanksgiving dinner and was mentioning this, and my brother suggested I might prefer the ipad because of the larger screen and ability to enlarge stuff.
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Hi. The weird stuff always seems to happen to me. Earlier today, for whatever strange reason, my iPod reported that it needed to cool down before i could use it, like it was overheating or something. I felt it and it didn't seem to be so I left it alone for a little while and it seemed to be ok again. It's plugged into AC power but the battery seems to be stuck at 52% and won't go any higher than that. Or at least, it reports that, it may actually be going higher and might be fully charged by now but its not saying so.

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I have an Ipod nano 6G and it is stuck on Lanscape I have tried using the gesture with 2 fingers but nothing seems to work can somebody help me?
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Hello all-
Browsing around here, I have noticed that there a few iRig fans here who have had various troubles with the device.
Perhaps you could help with mine.
The next/previous buttons which only work in Sample Tank have stopped working. Everything else works fine accept that. Searches for user guides prove fruitless.
Thanks heaps-

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I'm a student in Computer Engineering and communication departement. I would like to get myself a new laptop to help me in my studies. I want a piece of advice to make the best descision .
I am a legally blind student.
I hope I could count on myslef as far as i can.

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I have a Roku 3 media streamer, and it's pretty great but it doesn't have anything much in the way of accessibility support. After having a really good experience of VoiceOver on iPhone, it's made me tempted to go for the Apple TV, but it's very expensive in comparison. I believe new Roku models have a screen reader built in.

I'm just wondering - is Apple TV worth the extra cash? Has anyone used screen readers on anything else and can compare?

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is it normal for my new I pad air 256 to say not charging after it is done being charged. I took it of f the charger.

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is it normal for my I padder 256 gig to say that it is not charging when the charger is not plugged in

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Hello there,

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Hi. I have been a windows user for many years, but I have recently got the chance to play with a mac and have been amazed at the abilities of voiceover on the OS. I know that there have been many changes to the macbook lineup in the last few years, such as new keyboards, touch bar, and the removal of ports. I was wondering if as of 2018, it is still possible to get a macbook air 13 inch? If I did get a mac, I would be using it for general computing tasks, such as word processing, web browsing, etc. Thanks.

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I will be managing large amounts of emails on an iPad. I am hoping to do the majority of my text editing and screen navigation from the qwerty keyboard but I want to be able to read and edit my work using a Focus 40 braille display. Is it possible to have both external devices connected and working together at the same time? Also, any differences I should be aware of in working with email messages on the iPad vs the iPhone?