Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

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Hi everyone Does anyone know of a good battery pack tthat can charge two or more devices and is simple to use? I would prefer a model without a flashlight so I don't have to worry about accidentally turrning it on. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for your help.
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Hello all:
First time for me to purchase a battery pack for my mobile,and need to know how will it work exactly, adn do you have any recommendations?
1- after i attached it to my phone, will it start charging? or i should give it an order to start? what i mean is that, will it keeps my battery always fully charged? or how it is working?
2- is it connected via Cable or via the Phone back?
3- are there any recommendations for good models?

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So... I have an iPhone 7, and I love it, but I recently experienced the horror of not having a headphone adapter or braille display at a Christmas gathering. Anyone tried Beats Solo3 headphones? I'm leaning towards those because they still have the 3.5 adapter, but I am open to suggestions. AirPods scare me because I cannot stand to wear Apple EarPods, but if they're different, let me know.

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Hello. I have a headset that I don’t know the name of. Every time I press a button it beeps. I sometimes can make it stop but that will involve turning off the headset and then turning it back on and the thing is that this doesn’t work all the time. So I may have to restart it about seven times to be able to get rid of this beeping. As soon as there is a sound it beeps. How can I get rid of all of this annoying beeping? At the moment I have music on just to try and it still beeps alot. I still do not know what headset is but is anyone else exxperienced this and how can I get rid of it?

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I have a new IPad Air with a Belkin Bluetooth Keyboard Case and I do not know how to get the VoiceOver keyboard commands to work on it, would anyone be able to help me do this?

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I recently bought a Belkin Rockstar 3.5 and Charging to Lightning adapter for my iPhone 8. However, within days, it started suddenly making my phone audio go away completely. It has been doing this several times a day.

I tried the old 3.5/Lightning dongle I got with my iPhone 8 for a day and this never happened once.

Is there a way to fix this or, if not, is there a way I can get a replacement free of charge?


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I'm looking for a good belt clip case for the iPhone 6S. I have the following requirements:
1. Screen must be able to face out when in the clip.
2. The phone must be able to charge while in the case/clip combo.
3. The back-facing/front-facing cameras should be covered, but not by anything you have to move aside to use them.
4. The ports and volume buttons should be covered, however.
5. A built-in screen protector (not one you have to apply yourself) would be extremely nice, but isn't an absolute dealbreaker.

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this message is mostly for people living in the USA:
has someone of you already bought the Bem Wireless speakerband?
This accessory was presented last January at CES2014, and then was available for pre-order and finally came out to the public recently. It's a Bluetooth speaker which you can wear on your wrist as it is a watch, and you can play audio from it, connected via bluetooth to iDevices as usual.

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Hi Everyone,
I am considering purchasing an iPad to have an alternative when I want to keep my phone free. I’m wondering if there are particular things people have found advantageous to do with an iPad verses a phone. Have you found that it has a lot of utility?

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Hi everyone, hope you're doing well and staying safe. What's the best accessible nas drive the can be controlled via web interface that people would recommend for use with macOS and ios? Thanks very much everyone :-)

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Hello everyone,

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Hello all
what is the best bluetooth headset that you recommend for working with VoiceOver on iPhone 6Plus?
i tried some of them but there was a lag when navigating items on the screen.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Best regards

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I am looking for a bluetooth headset that will consistently work well with playing media (itunes, vlc, etc.) on the mac. I will just root voiceover through the main speaker or a wired speaker. I've tried an older model bluetooth headset on my mac, but it doesn't seem to pair all of the time, and when it does, the media skips something awful. I've used the same headset on my iPhone, and there are no issues. So can anybody recommend a bluetooth headset that will play nice with the mac?

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Hello. I'm planning to get a bluetooth keyboard for christmas. What is the best keyboard?

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Hi everyone. Im looking for a Bluetooth keyboard to use with my iPhone 4. I want a keyboard that I can control my phone with not one that is just for typing. I am thinking about the freedom pro or the I-connex. What do you think?
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This has me stumped. I have a Bose Bluetooth Sound link color series 2 speaker and I am in a bit of a spot. I am looking for a very good Bluetooth speaker that will allow me to turn up the volume and feel bass in it as well. I have a Jabra Solemate speaker that does well but, it seems small for sound. I would be using this on my Mack computer with Vlc, or the Vox media player. I'm sure this is going to come at a high price no doubt. Whenever I turn up Vlc's volume, the Bose Speaker distorts the sound and it cuts out a lot of the time.

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hi all i'm looking for some bluetooth wireless speakers for my i phone any good reasonably priced ones out there that anyone could recommend ?? are most easy enough to set up using voice over ?? i read some have spoken alerts for battery life and you can even have a speakerphone on some to use as a phone. a good battery life is key too many thanks in advance

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Hello everyone. What do you guys recommend for keeping the battery in my i Phone 11 as healthy as possible for as long as possible? I have done google searches on this but get a lot of conflicting reports and articles. My battery is at 99 percent health. I normally charge my phone when it gets to 20% but only once or twice let it get down to 5% or so. My understanding was that was the right way to care for the battery? Some articles say to leave it plugged in or charge it 75% or so. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this. I want to keep this 11 for a good 3 or 4 years or so.

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Hi I am learning how to code using the Swift Playgrounds app and I need recommendations on the best computers to use for the blind. Windows or Mack, must be under $1000, portable and must work with Bluetooth. Also I’m learning the python code too. Any help is appreciated.

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What are the most common iOS devices for gaming? Since the iPod touch and iPad 32bit are so close in price on amazon and I can get the latest model, I'm not sure if I want to buy an iPod touch or an iPad for gaming, particularly for blindfold games. I have an android device but that is just for my phone. But I want either an iPod touch or iPad for gaming, my really big itunes tv shows and movie library that just keeps growing! much better braille support, note-taking, and all that other stuff that iOS can do that android cannot.