Smart Home Tech and Gadgets

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Any suggestions/recommendations on smart door lock? I've been using August for a while, but this one has died and they want to sell a new one.

We initially had August Smart Lock Homekit Enabled that would required battery replacements every few months, had connectivity issues, and ended up having a defect. We then got upgraded to the Smart Lock Pro, which last almost 3.5 years. , but stopped working, and only option is to get a new one.

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I am considering purchasing an instapot. I understand that some of these devices can be controlled using an app on an iPhone these days.

Which specific devices would you recommend in terms of:
- Useful features
- Accessibility using any UI or physical buttons on the device
- Accessibility via an iOS app that I can use with Voiceover

Thanks for any recommendations or suggestions.


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I am looking to replace an existing home security system with one that I can monitor and control remotely via an iPhone app.

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I'm having trouble with my Ring doorbell app working with VoiceOver on my iPhone 6S (running latest version of iOS). Can someone give me step by step directions on what I should be doing when I hear the doorbell alert on my phone? I keep my phone unlocked most of the day. I have the "lock orientation" switched on so I am in portrait mode. I hear the doorbell alert on my phone and receive a notification at the top of my screen. If I understand it correctly, I need to open the Ring app and flick to the right until I hear "Talk" and then double tap on that button.

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I wanted to pick iOS VoiceOver users brains here who have experiences with robot mops.

It seems that there a range of them, but wanted to hear stories and experiences about how effective and accessible they are with pets and being blind.

Looking forward to recommendations, discussions, and cleaner floors!

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The subject says everything: I am searching for a brand of scales that works over bluetooth or wifi and is accessible with iOS and also integrates in the health app...... a connection with amazon Alexa would be a + :D


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I am looking for a scale that I could use as a totally blind person and that would record the measurements on the iPhone.

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hello guys, seeking accessible blood presure monitor for iOS,
thanks and advance.

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Hello audio lovers!
I have 2 really good speakers connected to my Apple TV through an audio receiver from Marantz. I love the speakers, I love the sound, but the receiver frequently causes issues. As far as I know the receiver itself does not have any accessibility features and last time I tried the app it was a horrible experience. Consequently, if something stops working I need a sighted person to help sort things out *sigh*

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Can someone please recommend a good and accessable weight scale? I am looking for one that will sync with an accessable app on my iPhone. I’ve read plenty of good things about the Fitbit Aria but not sure if it’s accessable.

I ended up returning Weight Guru because it wasn’t that accessable. The app was great and accessable but the scale itself was not. For instance, you would need to point your device’s camera for it to sync. This is silly since it’s suppose to be Bluetooth. It was a hit or miss and I figured the frustration wasn’t worth it.

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I want to buy a smart casting fish finder. the device I am looking at is connected to the iPhone, but I don't know if I will be able to read the information that appear on the screen, such as the depth of the water, presence of fish, temperature of the water etc I know that the question is a little uncommon, but the answer is important to me.
Thank you,

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Does anyone know of an app that I can get, and the necessary hardware for it, that will give me the current indoor and outdoor temperatures. It must be Voice-over friendly. Thanks.

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Hello, everyone.

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Hy evry one, do you hav enny recomendation LG air condetioner witch support lg smart thinq?
thank you.

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Currently I have Protect America as my home alarm monitoring service but their app is not accessable and trying to get them to understand is all but impossible. So my contract is about to expire and I will be looking for a new provider. So does anyone out there have any recommendations? Is the app provided accessable? I have a GE Simon XT GSM so it should work with most monitoring services but if I need to get new equipment, that’s fine too.

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In our house we have a wall clock which also shows the current indoor and outdoor temperatures on the LCD display. We often look at it to decide in the summertime whether or not to open the windows and turn on the attic fan to cool down the house. Unfortunately, as my vision has gotten worse, I can no longer make out what is on the display, and I haven’t found any apps that can successfully read the display for me (neither Seeing AI nor Envision AI will do it). So, for now I have to rely on sighted assistance if I want to know what the current temperature is.

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Hello, everyone. I am seeking some input about slow cookers and IOS apps used to control them. I've read some info about the instant pot line. Is that the best for accessibility? I recall a poster saying that sighted assistance was needed for initial setup. Is this still true, or can you use something like Be my Eyes to accomplish this? I am buying this as a special valentine's day gift, for someone who has little to no vision. Thanks for any input, anyone can provide.

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Hi guys, Does anyone have experience using a smart grill app for a tabletop/countertop grill you'd use in your kitchen? These apps will keep track of your food while you cook and notify you when the food is finished. Here's one of the grills: Any experience with the accessibility of these apps would be appreciated.
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I have so many questions about Smart devices and how it all works. So I was hoping that creating a jumbo thread could bring all of the answers together in one place!

First things first, which hub seems to work the best?
What are the differences between Apple, Google, and the Amazon smart home hubs? I am leaning towards Amazon Alexa because there are so many fun things to add and play around with, but is it as accessible?

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Hi all,
I'm looking for a Smart Plug, accessible from an iPhone, which I can control using VoiceOver, and which also allows me to retrieve data about the power drawn from the plug. This is mainly to determine the power consumption of devices such as washing machines, tumble dryers, electric cookers, (including slow cookers and air fryers), etc.
Many thanks for any info,
Tim Pennick